Recent content by korvus

  1. korvus

    the bible - an outdated understanding of mental illness

    The concept of 'demon' is an archetype (that could be useful) for identifying the problems in one's mindscape.
  2. korvus

    Scientifically Minded Christians

    There always has been something. Think about it in a more traditional Christian perspective, where did God come from? I just theorize personally that just like God didn't have a creator, everything else didn't have a creator.
  3. korvus

    Sexual Repression

    It seems as though alot of Christians equate sex or anything having to do with it with all what is typically against Christianity (pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc.). Let's face it. We deal with sexual feelings all the time. As much as we feel hungry, feel we need to poo, etc...
  4. korvus

    Scientifically Minded Christians

    Well I try. Pantheism is just one of the ways to solve the religion-vs.-science problem.
  5. korvus

    Scientifically Minded Christians

    I one can as long as they still believe. Idk, I guess you can call it informed belief or something or another. EDIT: I'm not saying the universe created God, I'm saying God is the universe. "God" is just a name we tag to it/Him
  6. korvus

    Scientifically Minded Christians

    I take a psychoanalytic approach to Christianity, seeing it as archetypes to follow along that in general help someone thinking in helping them become a better person. I don't believe in creationism, and I see God as the universe itself, as also being an archetype. Jesus saved us. Fine, agreed.
  7. korvus

    the bible - an outdated understanding of mental illness

    This. Being delusional myself (and loving it), I consider the idea of demons as just an archetype of the mind in the way the people in biblical times saw things. Jesus to me is an excellent figure with so much positivity that the acceptance of him becomes like a hypnotism, whether you label it...
  8. korvus

    Why is God silent?

    God isn't a human that personally talks to you. God is the universe (He's infinite, right?), and 'talks' through what interactions you get with the things around you.
  9. korvus

    Christianity with a rejection of Dualism

    I don't believe in good or evil. I just believe what we perceive as evil is just misunderstanding/out of context/prejudice/general lack. The Bible seems to have a very dualist mentality with the concept of two-dimensional "enemies", of which I don't believe there are such a thing. There seems...
  10. korvus

    Why are you a non-denominational Christian?

    Because the concept of Christianity being divided is dumb and seems to make us separated. I don't even want to call myself non-denominational as it seems to be a contradiction in itself. Just call me Christian.
  11. korvus

    Why Haven't I Spoken In Tongues?

    Like some people else said, not everyone is giften with the speaking in tongues. I don't speak in tongues or even find any reason to. I thought God is supposed to know what we're going to ask for in the first place.
  12. korvus

    Any other linux users here? :)

    Oh man, got b& and ended up missing out on this thread. Unable to post a fancy screenfetch because imgur's being dumb atm. I'm running an junky not updated xubuntu system running Awesome as a window manager (which is more than enough true to it's name)
  13. korvus

    My church just changed their stance on homosexuals. What do I do?

    Ah, the day when God smites the United States with a brush of fire and brimstone, I can't wait until our justly angry God takes his vengeance on the world that suffers the evils of homosexuality for good. If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have...
  14. korvus

    Generations of Atheists?

    I tend to be 'religious' and 'spritual' with a strong psychological foundation. As far as raising the next generation, understanding the importance of religion and spirituality for human beings, I wouldn't want to start or perpetuate any kind of 'militaristic' atheism, but instead an informed...
  15. korvus

    My church just changed their stance on homosexuals. What do I do?

    But how would the entire human race depopulate if not everyone is gay?