Kiran Bala

Being born in a good Hindu family, I was doing Idol worship. There was a famous temple in India, which always a huge crowd to see and worship that Idol. Each and every year on Dec 31st I would go over there and stand hours in the queue to have glimpse of that idol. Everything was going fine in my life. On a fine day When I was travelling in train to my office I saw a beautiful girl and decided to love her and daily followed her and she too got attracted to me and so we started loving and having a loving life. When I informed my parents about my love with a Girl, the first question they asked me was “What was the religion of that Girl”. I said she was Christian.

My parents immediately rejected it and said they will be looking a Hindu girl and so asked me keep quiet and not have any relationship with that Girl. But I was having relationship with that Girl and enjoying the days, meanwhile my father passed away due to heart attack and my mother travelled to USA to help my sister for her pregnancy.

I decided this is the best time to marry my Girl friend, and so I asked her to come to a Registar Office where we can marry. I India we can marry in Registar office where when we get married they will provide us a certificate and so it becomes legal and so one can separate them. On Sept 24th 2004 I got married her and took her to my house and started living with her. When my mother returned back from USA, she was astonished to see me living with Christian Girl and asked me get out her house and so we came out and started living separately. Life was going good, as there no one to guide us and no boundaries for us we started enjoying all the beauties of this world. We were blessed with a beautiful daughter too.

Here is what the adversity started in my life During this period she used to go to Church and I used to go to my Hindu Temple. Now I had a huge credit standing against me and all creditors started coming to my house and abusing me and I was crying like anything Ho God what to do, please save me. I again went to my mother and asked to save me with some money, but she refused. During that time my wife advised me that please come to church with me and let us pray with my mighty God and he is ready to save us. I got angry and shouted at her Are you a stupid, I have going to see my God every year , but it has not saved me, I lost my parents and relatives and now I am alone, with you, is your God going to save me.

She again requested to listen to her, but I refused to listen. On a fine Monday again my wife came to me and requested that there is a family crusade in Church on Sunday and for this we need to go as couple, can you please come with me. I said please do not disturb me, already I am facing lot of trouble with this world, I do not know when a creditor is going to catch my neck for money. So she started praying for me and days went and on Saturday evening she was sitting and praying from evening 7 pm. I was enjoying watching TV with my daughter and we slept. Next day morning when I woke up I could not see my wife beside me and got feared and ran to hall where she was, she was still in prayer and her eyes were filled with tears. I asked are you crazy sitting whole night and crying for a silly thing, she said please come with me to church, I got mercy on her and accepted her request, but on condition I will not do not Christian rituals there. She said you come and sit that is enough for me. I went to church and sat on the last seat. The church was so beautiful and was cool with A/C, I started looking for Idol of Jesus like we used to have in our Hindu Temples, My wife said Jesus is here behind us and we don’t do Idol worship. I didn’t understand and that I am confused. When pastor came and preaching I got sleep and so I was sleeping. Once the service was over my wife asked me did god spoke to you. I laughed at her and said that I have been worshipping my idol from my birth, but it never spoke to me, but in this church nothing was there, then what do you mean by God speaking to me. She didn’t say anything, she was quite and we returned home. The same day evening she again started praying.

Here is what God spoke to me. I was sleeping in my Bed. I had a dream, I saw a beautiful white object and I heard a voice that “please come to me and ready to save you”. I got feared and asked my wife what was that. She said to me that is God trying to speak to you. I said He asked me to come near to him and so what I need to do now. She said come to church every week and he will speak to you more. So I started to Go to church every week. During this time I was half minded, I used to go to church and my Hindu temple too. My wife advised not to do that, but I never listened to her. After a few months again God spoke to me and said present your life to me to him, I got feared again, but this time it is very clear that Jesus is trying to do something in my life, so I throwed away my idols in my home in dust bin and accepted Jesus as my saviour took Baptism and started following Jesus. I was made as usher in church and later I became leader of the church. During this period I got promotions in my office too and slowly I have cleared all my credit too. The life was happy again.

Now again Jesus spoke to me and asked I have blessed you and what are you going to do for me. I said I have been to church regularly and do the best help I can do for the church, giving my tithes what else you need. Jesus said you need to serve me. I got confused and asked my Pastor what does this mean to serve Jesus. Pastor said you need to work for Jesus and so I resigned my job and started to help my pastor Full time. My pastor advised me to study Bible College and so started searching for a good Bible college within my budget. I applied for Fits and got admission and I have to apply for Visa.

When I went for Visa interview I thought that I have every papers and also a recommendation letter from a pastor in USA so I will get it, but they simply rejected my application and I was totally vexed and crying with God, All my friends started laughing at me, what you planning to go USA. It is a tough task and it is not so easy. My pastor said try again and I said it is waste of money, already I lost and you want me to spend again on Visa. He said try and this time you will succeed. So I applied and the visa interview was one week later. This time Myself and my Wife started fasting for full day and prayed for the whole day and when I went to Visa interview it got approved without any Issues I praised God and made me stand as a testimony in my Church.

Learning from God. We should never put front any human . My visa application got rejected first time since I was in mind I have every paper and a recommendation letter from USA pastor, but the second time I placed faith on God and went for Visa interview it god approved. So always put your heart and faith on God and not any human beings. If we have faith on God he will help us and succeed in everything.

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Jun 1, 1976 (Age: 48)
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Servant of God
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