Recent content by kidkaos2

  1. K

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    Capitalism and Marxism are both idolatry if taken too far and both ignorance if not studied with a critical eye. Capitalism is the worship of mammon, but Marxism is the worship of self. Your initial idea upon hearing communist philosophy is that it's an attempt to be fair to everyone. That...
  2. K

    Why wasn't the filioque ever removed?

    I have been investigating the Jesus Prayer lately and a brief overview of the theology of St Gregory Palamas. I think from his theology I understand better what the theological motivation was that was at stake in objecting to the filioque. It was a VERY brief overview of Palamite theology, but...
  3. K

    Questioning Credobaptists interpretation of Ps. 51:5 concerning original sin.

    Because the son is not to be killed for the sins of the father.
  4. K

    Why I don't see the Star-Spangled Banner as Racist Towards Blacks

    <wouldn't let me finish the message> If you come to me and say you're feeling so much bottled up negative emotion that hearing the national anthem causes a flood of negative emotions in you, well then come on in. I'm more than happy to listen to how you feel and why you feel that way, and I...
  5. K

    Why I don't see the Star-Spangled Banner as Racist Towards Blacks

    Couple points. 1) You can't decided something isn't offensive to someone else. That's up to them. 2) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary support. Your post acts as if the burden of proof on the flag not being offensive is on you. It isn't. It's on them. If they want us to think the...
  6. K

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    You don't get your own definition of socialism. This is something that seems common. I have a feeling that the progressive pedagogy in our school system is teaching socialism by pointing to theoretical benefits of socialism rather than teaching socialism itself. Like "you see this $250,000...
  7. K

    Why wasn't the filioque ever removed?

    I find this filioque issue in church history puzzling. My understanding of the history is that the Nicene creed was universally accepted but then hundreds of years later at some point Rome slipped the filioque in, not thinking it would be controversial. When the Orthodox objected, I am under...
  8. K

    Recovery fairness

    There is a Recovery (Women only) forum so why is there not a Recovery (Men only) as well? Providing women with privacy, safe spaces, and support while ignoring men is something that secular feminism does. I don't think that is in line with Christian values.
  9. K

    Christian church LEADERS should NOT engage in political activism

    The sorts of things you're talking about are textbook liberation theology, which can be overly simplified but nevertheless accurately described in a single phrase as interpreting "love thy neighbor" to mean "implement communism" It was developed by South American revolutionaries like the...
  10. K

    Christian church LEADERS should NOT engage in political activism

    His ministry having political impact and him making political statements are two different things. You cannot use his crucifixion to support anything whatsoever about his teachings. Apples and oranges. If you still wish to maintain that Jesus taught that we should bring religion into...
  11. K

    (Orthodox) Russian soldiers engage in systematic rape to prevent women from having babies in future

    This is what you get in today's society where evoking emotion in the people on social media is more important than reporting truth. It's a scary thing because this sort of stuff is driving policy and even scientific research. For example, the very research needed to determine the long term...
  12. K

    Psychiatric injustice and corruption

    The church is a money making institution. Christians have convinced themselves that money is a blessing from God so they are being good Christians by seeking money. Virtually all big churches have expansion plans, branding, building funds, etc. Churches in modern society don't preach...
  13. K

    Augustine of Hippo on private property

    Why is that good? If I remind you the church precedes nuclear submarines, is that good? I'm just confused what the relationship is between Augustine and Rand and why it's good to get a reminder that the church was established prior to some economic systems (which it wasn't, by the way - both...
  14. K

    The Book of Enoch Not Having Any Place in Bible

    I don't think Peter and Jude would have quoted it if it wasn't trustworthy. Plus it makes sense of things like Psalm 82 and Genesis 6 that are otherwise undecipherable. The usual interpretations you see of these passages by commentators who don't use Enoch as a source are purely guesses - I've...