Recent content by Kaiser123

  1. Kaiser123

    Favorite bands, artists.

    Hi again mates. This time, I'd like to talk to you about your favorite bands, artists. Can you share? My favorite bands, artists, are: Breaking Benjamin(Especially the most recent album Ember) Stratovarius(Old albums only) Possessed(First album only) Rhett Akins Ice Cube(First 3 albums)...
  2. Kaiser123

    Favorite music genres.

    Hi everyone, good to talk to you again. This time, I'd like to talk to you about your favorite music genres, and if you can please share your favorite genres, thanks. My favorite genres are: Post Grunge Power Metal Hip Hop/Gangsta Rap Death Metal Country Can you share yours too? Thanks. .
  3. Kaiser123

    Becoming a man(introduction) + Questions

    Dear friends, Thanks again for al lthe replies. I'd like to apologize about the homosexuality thread I created, a moderator had sent me a private warning about it. However, now I created a different thread about the Messiah subject with a few questions. Can you go there and try answer...
  4. Kaiser123

    Questions about Jesus

    Hi everyone, sorry to jump in here out of nowhere again. I hope its okay if I ask a few questions about the subject of Jesus being the Messiah, which is the basic belief in Christianity, and I have alot of questions about Jesus and about him being the Messiah or not. If you cant answer all the...
  5. Kaiser123

    Becoming a man(introduction) + Questions

    Dear friends, I appreciate all your replies. I've read most of them, and appreciate some of you guys taking the time to answer the questions I asked in the first message. I have pretty much gotten all the answers I needed, but there are a few other questions about other subjects I wanted to ask...
  6. Kaiser123

    The way organs are made and the way they function, look.

    Well basically, since we all know for sure god had created us, we know for sure our organs have been invented by him as well. I have a few philosophical, life science related questions, and I'd like to hear your answers based on your opinion and personal thoughts on the matter involved with your...
  7. Kaiser123

    Becoming a man(introduction) + Questions

    Thanks everyone. Do you have time to answer the questions? If yes, please do that, thanks. I understand you might have difficulties answering them, but please answer as best as you can, thanks. Some of the questions I asked might be weird or hard to answer, I guess.
  8. Kaiser123

    Becoming a man(introduction) + Questions

    Dear Christians community, Good to see you. I'm new here, but have heard of the forums alot. Ive been lurking and reading them for a long time before deciding to join myself. Basically, I come from a Jewish background and only recently have accepted Jesus as my messiah. I'd like to tell you a...