Recent content by Joey16Vargas

  1. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    People in USA have to pay A LOT of money to circumcise their sons, so the insurance thing isn't a real argument. Circumcision was ordered by God, you know what else was ordered by God?? God said if a woman was not a virgin on her wedding night, she MUST had been stoned to death by the men of...
  2. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    So you're telling me men in Germany, France, UK, Italy, Norway, Brazil, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Denmark, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and Austria are poor and not educated? 33% of men worlwide are circumcised, and a HUGE reason for this % is Islam, not hygiene. People say it...
  3. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    It's not sexist. It's like a man saying the removal of the [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] doesn't affect the sexual pleasure of the women. And why do you think 2 of every 3 men worldwide are uncircumcised?
  4. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    The Human Foreskin: Understanding Its Functions and Purpose And who says circumcision doesn't reduce pleasure? A woman, oh I see. The foreskin helps to lubricate, and it's softer than the glans, which makes intercourse easier
  5. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    People who support child abbuse, I mean, circumcision, often say “it prevents UTIs” but fun fact, it's WAY easirer for women to get UTIs than for men to get them, in my country 95% of men are uncut, and men rarely get UTIs, but women do often. The ONLY reason circumcision is practiced in the...
  6. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    The Human Foreskin: Understanding Its Functions and Purpose Idk where you got all that info, but it's hard to believe. My brothers are all uncut, and they're mounting women (they're non christians) often, they've been doing so for the last several years, and they've never had any problems, one...
  7. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    No! The reason was giving by a f*cked up man, John Harvey Kellogg, he insisted that circumcision prevented masturbation, he also suggested to burn the [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] with phenol. The man didn't even sleep with his wife, they didn't have biological children, it seems the man was so mental sick he was...
  8. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    No needed? It's like if God asked women to remove their [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse], the foreskin is the most sexually-sensitive part of the man. Harbors bacteria? The Human Foreskin: Understanding Its Functions and Purpose Check this out, the foreskin is there for a reason, it actually protects the glans...
  9. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    All those “benefits” of circumcision are fake. “Prevents HIV” that's why the Philippines (90% of men are cut) is the fastest growing Asian country of HIV ratio, meanwhile in Japan (<1% men cut) HIV is basically non-existant. Most of Africa's muslim countries struggle a lot with STDs, it's not...
  10. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    I know about it, but my question is why did God for a part of the male organ to seal His Covenant?
  11. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    Well, I don't get what you're trying to say in the first part. In the second, that's what said in the US, but think about it, only 33% of the men are circumcised worldwide, and of this 33%, most of them are because of Islam. Consider this, basically every european country doesn't circumcise...
  12. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    Not convinced yet. Women used to live in the desert too, and women have more layers of flesh in the groin, however they weren't cutting women's labia to help hygiene, and plus when they were having their period, it would'be been way more difficult
  13. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    Well, today's circumcision is mostly a esthetic surgery, there are more uncut men than the cut ones. Plus cleaning under your foreskin takes about 15-20 seconds a day
  14. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    Well, having an open wound in such a sensitive area in times were hygiene wasn't really implemeneted, doesn't sound quite logic. But think about it, if men had difficulties with cleaning back then, so did women, and consider that back then women had none of today's tampons, pad, panty liners, etc
  15. J

    Why would God choose choose circumcision for His Covenant?

    Well, removing sensitive tissue off a baby's genitals, it doesn't sound quite gentle