Recent content by JMRE5150

  1. JMRE5150

    In a non-denominational church how does the Pastor tithe?

    The problem I see here is that the church (properties, authority, etc) all fall under the Pastor. This should never be. Almost all non-denoms that I know have a group of elders that decide all financial obligations, spending, etc. The Pastor has input, but not the final say-so. This is to...
  2. JMRE5150

    Why are adults so ashamed of going to college?

    I don't know. I'm 37 years old, the father of two teenagers, and I'm a senior at Philadelphia Biblical University. I have zero shame in it. I learned life's hard lessons first, then am going back for my education. I never have a problem with it, but the students do. Most of the students there...
  3. JMRE5150

    Which course(s) is/are the hardest?

    Greek and Hebrew are the hardest for me.
  4. JMRE5150

    Denominations -- How Much Longer????

    We will always have denoms. I dont have a problem with different denoms, as long as the believe and teach that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, I'm good.
  5. JMRE5150

    Woman Pastor

    LOL. Now thats funny.
  6. JMRE5150

    NFL Sacks Church Super Bowl Parties

    Agreed. What cracks me up when churches charge for certain things, yet the pastor brings home 70+k a year in salary. Example: One church I was teaching adult studies at quibbled over raising funds to send children and a few adult guides on a missions trip to the extremely poor in eastern...
  7. JMRE5150

    Woman Pastor

    Agreed and well said.
  8. JMRE5150

    NFL Sacks Church Super Bowl Parties

    Pfft. Churches don't charge admission for those types of events. This is propaganda against the church.
  9. JMRE5150

    Are We Family Of Jesus ?

    Division is not bad, per se. However, it becomes bad when man uses division as a means to humiliate, belittle or degrade others who do not think like them. My point is, I am a right wing evangelical conservative. On many occasion at PBU I am reminded by my conservative professors that while...
  10. JMRE5150

    Woman Pastor

    I see your point, however, I must be an exception to this. I'm a student (yeah, 36 years old too...go figure) at Philadelphia Biblical University, which is very conservative, and non-denominational. Just to give you an example, there still is no dancing allowed on campus, thats how conservative...
  11. JMRE5150

    Woman Pastor

    The sad thing about this very interesting thread is that there are some who believe seminaries are only learning institutions, and that one who attends cannot find spiritual truths within the word of God. Why on earth would people hold such strong views against seminary? Clearly they have...
  12. JMRE5150

    What college/university are you attending?

    Philadelphia Biblical University
  13. JMRE5150

    Who do you want to hear the most?

    Gilbert Tennent, son of famed William Tennent. Man preached fire and brimstone right here in Philadelphia. Rarely is the truth of the word of God so honestly preached like this man did. One of the leaders of the mid-18th Century “Great Awakening” religious movement, he played a prominent...
  14. JMRE5150

    Woman Pastor

    Hmmm, but one can only include the gifts of prophecy and tongues if they agree that certain spiritual gifts have not ceased. To better understand the 4 main viewpoints of the cessation of gifts, the best book that gives writings of all 4 views is called "Are Miraculous Gifts For Today?" by...
  15. JMRE5150

    Thoughts on Theology Books

    Grudem's Systematic Theology is THE quintessential theology book. Grab it immediately. As a theology major, Grudem is in constant use in my studies. Great choice. Everything else is secondary.