Recent content by jesusfreak407

  1. J

    Christian Lan Parties?

    I would really like to attend a christian lan party. And I don't mean like a 10 people gathering, but like 500. I go to PDX lan in portland oregon and it is a blast. (oh yea, for those of you who don't know, a lan party is where people bring there computers together and play games against...
  2. J

    Anybody want to help me make a Christian MUD

    Its stands for Multiple User Dungeon I think. Its is free massively online rpg that is all text based. They are actually quite fun. All you need is a client (perferebbly zmud) or you can just use windows telnet (go to run on the startmenu then type telnet and hit return) You connect that way and...
  3. J

    Anybody want to help me make a Christian MUD

    Hi, I was wanting to create a Christian MUD. Good MUD's are really a lot of fun and I thought it would be cool to create one of my own. My idea is to make it sort of like spritiual warfare. It will be a fantasy genre. The character will pick from a series of angel classes (Some ideas of...
  4. J

    Amateur Astronomy.

    I love astronomy. I don't have a telescope or anything but I love reading about it. Black holes, nebulas, neutron stars dwarf stars (all different colors) dark matter, dark energy and everything else. I love it. I did my senior project on dark matter and that was awesome. I sometimes just sit...
  5. J

    Samuri Champloo

    Anybody ever heard of it, I have only seen two episdoes but I really like it! My friend suggested it to me and I love it! Anybody else?
  6. J

    The most christian(ish) anime you've seen?

    What is eva? also I wish that there was just a good chritian anime. A good one that would be entertaining and fulfilling at the same time. THat would be great!
  7. J


    I love Naruto. It is the best Anime I have ever seen. I don't read the manga though just watch the shows. My favorite characters are probably Naruto, Rock lee, and hinata. Everyone likes sasuke but he is too cocky for Me. Anyways I hate it because I have to wait once a week for the episodes and...
  8. J

    best cartoon ever

    Home star runner is awesome! I laughed my head off!
  9. J

    The Da Vinci Code

    Thankyou. That is kind of what I was thinking it might be. Thanks for the input! I prob wont read it though. Thanks again.
  10. J

    The Da Vinci Code

    Hi, I was at work and heard some friends were talking about a new book, "The Da Vinci Code" I beilieve it was by Dan Brown. It sounded interesting and I want to read it but it said that it was about corruption in the church and some wierd stuff in it. I haven't read it yet, I wanted some input...
  11. J

    Sacred for PC

    Anyone heard of this game. New realease for PC's. Anyone know if it is okay for christians. It is a lot like diablo, but minus the devil theme. It should be fun. Any opinions on it.
  12. J

    Counter Strike

    thankyou for your input
  13. J

    Counter Strike

    hello, I was wondering, I really like the game counter strike, is it okay for christians to play. It is really fun, it is just that there is sometimes to much blood, I can take it, but is it okay? Just wondering?
  14. J

    Will you re-elect bush?

    As far as what I think should go as far as abortion. I think it should be illegal, for a couple of reasons: 1. It makes up for young people messing around, which it shouldn't, people should have to take responsibilities for there actions. 2. A lot of people claim that because of Rape they...
  15. J

    Dungeon Seige: Legends of Aranna

    This game is so cool, i like it a lot. Anybody else feel the same way?