Recent content by jesuschickseven

  1. J

    Post here when you feel like cutting (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Post here when you feel like cutting"
  2. J

    I dont love my mom :'(

    It will take time... My mother drank a lot, and I thought I hated her. I moved out in high school and it broke her heart. I treated her like dirt most of the time because I was mad at her for not being there for me. But now that I've been over 2,000 miles away for almost a year I've realized how...
  3. J

    Friend and Engagement at 14

    Where is the post that says he broke her arm? Perhaps you should read it again? However I personally think that verbal/ mental abuse is much worse than physical abuse.... My best friend did the same thing with her abusive boyfriend (though he wasn't all verbal/ he raped her), but they did...
  4. J

    Help I think I'm suffocating

    I joined the military at a time when I was rebelling against God, and I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm not supposed to be here, and that this place is indeed straining my faith and possibly my sanity; however, I truly believe that if God wants me to get out; he will arrange it...
  5. J

    Help I think I'm suffocating

  6. J

    Post here when you feel like cutting

    Hang in there....just got to keep holding on....there is always a paradise at the end of every valley...check out the stories in the bible if you want to know for sure... I'm struggling right now too; I hate myself, I always have and I can't stop... I want to die... I don't think I deserve to...
  7. J

    Is anybody in California a Christian?!!

    Protestant....Not picky, just somewhere where people actually talk to you... I grew up in a Baptist church then switched to a pentecostal one in Junior High..... I've decided I'm more non-denominational than anything else....
  8. J

    Is anybody in California a Christian?!!

    Wasn't trying to insult Californians or anything, just want to know why it's so hard to find a church out here....
  9. J

    Military Pen pals

    Nice to know your thinking about us if/when I get deployed (and if I have internet access) I'll let you know...
  10. J

    I want a penpal

    Pm me....
  11. J

    Is anybody in California a Christian?!!

    Is anybody in California a Christian?!!!! I'm definitely feeling like I'm in a foreign land; guess I should have stayed in the "Bible Belt" where I belonged...... I'm looking for some close Christians, and a church somewhere close to Monterey.... Any help??
  12. J

    Looking for someone who is in a similar situation as I am or can help me

    Hey pm me!! I just graduated from high school a few months ago, and know exactly how you feel. I moved out of my parents house long before graduation day, and had to get a job and fend for myself. I don't know how helpful I can be (I tried to take the easy way out and join the military; bad...
  13. J

    email pal!

    :wave: I'd love to be your e-mail pal.... I'll try to send you my address in a private message or something....
  14. J

    looking to meet people and help eachother grow spiritually

    Hello I'm in my 7th month of enlistment in the Army, and I haven't found any Christians around here so I would love to meet a few good friends on the internet. :wave:
  15. J

    Help I think I'm suffocating

    Thank you for everyones posts.... I have tried going to the post chapel a few times, but I'm kind of shy, and everyone seems to already know each other.... Oh and rp3o8 I am at DLI....Arabic... Are you here too?