Recent content by Jamdoc

  1. J

    Obadiah is a yet future prophecy.

    and I can say this for 100% certainty. It was not fulfilled in the past, descendants of Esau still exist today, they will not after this is fulfilled. Obadiah 1 This last verse I quoted.. is a description of the Hashemite coat of arms, designed in 1921. Obadiah was written at least 2500...
  2. J

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    Nope. the Sabbath is on the 7th day, it is the day God rested. God didn't rest on passovers or other days that God commands no work be done, only the Sabbath.
  3. J

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    the agreement already ended, it's not being renewed or extended. as of today, Saudi Arabia can sell oil in Yuan, in Euro, in Ruble, whatever it wants, and other OPEC nations will follow. That single thing alone will undermine demand for dollars in foreign nations, meaning they will dump their...
  4. J

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    The issue was Biden pressed the Kashoggi matter and hasn't been standing up to Saudi Arabia's enemy that they need security agreements with the US for; Iran. Biden has been trying to appease Iran and make a nuclear deal with them. Between that and the Kashoggi matter, the Saudi Crown Prince...
  5. J

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    I don't like Trump and I hate that "the base" likes him so much and puts him as the nominee. But I'd literally rather die than mark a vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the reason why the US Dollar will lose reserve currency status and he'll sink this entire country with inflation. You think food...
  6. J

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    I've heard it's unlikely he sees a day in prison, just a fine, and it doesn't even prevent him from running or holding office
  7. J

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    I'll take what the bible says and believe it rather than try to allegorize it
  8. J

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    Well it's like the old question about whether Adam had a bellybutton or not. We have to remember Adam was not born his process for becoming a living being was not the same as ours. God took inanimate material, and made it alive., and it became a living soul. In Eve's case He used a process that...
  9. J

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    from a scientific perspective, the marrow of rib bones and other flat bones are the best source of stem cells in an adult, where most hematopoiesis (formation of new blood cells) takes place. In children it's the marrow of long bones like the femurs but in adults it's the flat bones, shoulder...
  10. J

    “We are all fundamentally good ... the heart itself is good,” says Pope Francis

    I don't grasp the issue here, maybe because I have no hope in this world I only have Jesus.
  11. J

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    Correct, so it's clear to me, that Jesus was crucified during the day on Thursday, buried when it became Friday evening, (Day 1), Friday evening to Saturday Evening (Day 2), and rose in the third day (Sunday) not at the conclusion of the 3rd day. It just shows they reckon time differently...
  12. J

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    Scripture and the Israelites. There's a thread about this particular subject here Two Sabbaths in Passion week? No! the main idea being that they'd denote a special Sabbath if another Holy day happened to fall on a Sabbath, but they didn't declare these days Sabbaths in themselves if they were...
  13. J


    To me if it's not in scripture it's speculation. I speculate on prophetic things as well, but I do know that anything I think of is not scripture and not necessarily true, it could be true, but it's also likely not true.
  14. J


    yeah I take extrabiblical prophecy with like.. a sack of salt not just a grain, but a whole sack that is, I don't believe any of it.
  15. J

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    They don't refer to the Passover as the Sabbath. They never do.