Recent content by jacks

  1. jacks

    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Xena the xylographer.
  2. jacks

    Gardening and God: nurturing plants has been a spiritual practice from the beginning

    I will probably be there sooner, I will save you a seat. :)
  3. jacks

    Gardening and God: nurturing plants has been a spiritual practice from the beginning

    What a beautiful image. I look forward to seeing you there!
  4. jacks

    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Vince the ventriloquist.
  5. jacks

    Gardening and God: nurturing plants has been a spiritual practice from the beginning

    It all started in a garden. The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15
  6. jacks

    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Terry the tachygrapher.
  7. jacks

    New member seeking a true Christian discussion board

    Welcome! As others have mentioned you will find all types here. You may find that some are only here to sow dissent or undermine the Christian faith. On the plus side, they are few and it doesn't take long to figure out which ones they are. You can then put them on "ignore" and concentrate...
  8. jacks

    A rock and a hard place

    You're not alone, many have felt that way. Dostoyevsky even spoke of a similar feeling in The Brothers Karamazov. I love humanity . . . but I can’t help being surprised at myself: the more I love humanity in general, the less I love men in particular, I mean, separately, as separate...
  9. jacks

    Offending Others

    I can't really think of an instance where this has happened to me. Disagreements I've had with other Christians have always been on issues that I felt were of minor importance or ones we have no way of knowing for sure. May I ask what the issue was that inspired this thread? It must have been...
  10. jacks

    Offending Others

    This has been an interesting thread. Going back to your original question, I would now say, you should go ahead and tell them as clearly as possible without worrying about offending them. Before I was a Christian, I had multiple encounters with people sharing the Gospel. Some where fire and...
  11. jacks

    My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

    You could be right, but don't let it stop you from contributing to an IRA. :) Sorry to make light of your concerns with your parents, but does it really matter if they believe we are in the end times or not? Isn't living a good Christian life and loving God the important thing? So if the...
  12. jacks

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    The whole thing is strange and sad. I wonder if she really wants to die. She says: "In the three and a half years this has taken, I’ve never hesitated about my decision." Is this someone truly intent on killing themselves? Maybe it is a cry for help? I'm afraid that now it is sanctioned by...
  13. jacks

    Offending Others

    Personally I would let them be and pray for them. We can only do so much in convincing others. I would be afraid that using a stronger approach would make them dig in more. Not that I would be concerned so much about offending them, rather I just don't think it would help change their minds...
  14. jacks

    Offending Others

    These can be difficult situations. I think it is best to tell them your thoughts, but not brow beat them with them. Sometimes the best way to get people to examine their beliefs is not to tell them what is correct, rather to ask them questions about their beliefs/thoughts. This may get them...