Recent content by Inhocsigno

  1. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Joey, Yes The Mind of a Missionary is something of a classic for us, it's a bit long, over 300 pages but well worth reading every page. We read selected chapters and excerpts from it shortly after it came out a few years ago and still benefit from its lessons. I'm glad you brought it...
  2. Inhocsigno

    "How do you become a Christian?"

    Agreed, and well stated.
  3. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Mandy, Just wanted to follow up that one of our small teams was able to procure a copy of the Mission Team Essentials book you recommended, I've only gotten about half-way through the 1st chapter but I can say we're already impressed! It has a to the point and breezy style that still...
  4. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Mandy, Thank you for adding this suggestion to the discussion. I must admit I had not heard of this particular book nor have others in my mission coordinator team, however I did just see it on the catalog of resources of one of the Texas mission information summary pages. It does...
  5. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    One of my specialist publisher friends confirmed that On Mission Together is in fact, apparently available in many of the major Christian bookstores and has circulated into some of the smaller ones too. With as I understand, several translations either already available or in progress, which can...
  6. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Joey, Yes that is indeed one of the best contributions of the book, that inside view with feel of "you are there". It really provides a birds eye view of what witnessing and evangelism actually feel like on a day to day basis, with an organization wide overview, something you rarely...
  7. Inhocsigno

    Witnessing Icebreakers

    I like many of these, but forms of Icebreaker 1 have often worked with us. It's the same thing clever street performers and magicians do, draw the listener in. And you'd be surprised how many will engage when Biblical topics and verses are brought up.
  8. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Just wanted to also mention another book that our mission teams have been finding very helpful, in same kind of style and theme similar to Strategic Missionary Work. This book is called, On Mission Together by Richard Noble. The area of focus is a bit different, the focus is more at the level of...
  9. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Joey, Yes it is in ebook form now too, I first heard about it part because a missionary family on way to France, in one of the churches in our main network in Texas, got ebook copies that they basically read on the plane trips between the US and Europe as they moved to get settled into...
  10. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    It is indeed an excellent book, I confess to so far only having read less than a quarter of it. Yet it's so rich in information and useful ideas it's already helping to shape many of our current mission efforts.
  11. Inhocsigno

    Personal reasons why I don't share the gospel

    Greetings Hazelelponi, Agreed, ever since St. Paul's missions, ministries in foreign lands and at home have always involved a team effort, with each contributing his different skill-set. We are all blessed differently and good at different things, and specialize from there. It was as true then...
  12. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Still not the original book I was thinking of from my own early missionary days but a valuable guide nonetheless, on ministries in Turkey and other important 10/40 Window countries, that popped up as I was searching through our updated directory of mission references: Strategic Missionary Work...
  13. Inhocsigno

    Tip For When Gospel Tracts Literally Fly Out Of Your Hand While Evangelizing

    Greetings David, this is great! Really like how you had the presence of mind to film this at just the right moment, and catching the reactions of the passerbys as they took the tracts. This is how it's done.
  14. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Joey, Not the reference we used initially but a link to a movement with particular focus on Christian missions in Turkey, supplied by one of my old mission associates I hadn't spoke to in about a decade. Turkey - Christian Aid Mission The focus as with our efforts is on indigenous...
  15. Inhocsigno

    Please help to ignite the Great Re-Awakening in Europe

    Greetings Joey, Glad to help as I can. We're still looking for that reference we used in Turkey, but I do recall now there was a section on the country and its people in one of the earlier books I had mentioned, "Praying through the gateway cities". You are correct about Turkey's ethnic...