Recent content by hislegacy

  1. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    Point of order. - When we graduate to heaven, we receive NEW bodies - not healed ones. Healing is designed and provided for here on Earth - not in the great by and by.
  2. hislegacy

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    Question: Can an educated, literate, with a little or no bias come to a point of view that does not comport with your take on Joe and the people arund him?
  3. hislegacy

    'The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden' over Israel aid cutoff threat says Rep Cory Mills

    Or surrender - maybe leave the good Palestinian people alone and run like scared rats. It is a shame they are so inbred into the Palestinian culture.
  4. hislegacy

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    I’m thinking you don’t have a clue about me or my reading habits. How tall a ladder one need to dismount that steed.
  5. hislegacy

    'The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden' over Israel aid cutoff threat says Rep Cory Mills

    They are one and the same - Hamas the militant side Palestinians who support Hamas - train their children to kill Jews as a service to God, act as human shields, who refuse the two state solution political - who honor kill their children - who degrade woman - who execute gays. They CHOOSE to...
  6. hislegacy

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    You are the closest - I am in a country where the only English speaking channels at the BBC and CNN (gag, wretch), I listened to Joe at the D-Day address. I don't have cable TV - because I don't believe in paying for what should be free - so I don't get a steady anything from cable tv. I do...
  7. hislegacy

    'The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden' over Israel aid cutoff threat says Rep Cory Mills

    If they would alter their charter and eliminate murdering an entire people group, if they would have not attacked innocents decapitating children, raping women then killing then. If they would return the hundreds they kidnapped and are torturing, if they would stop continued and repeated rocket...
  8. hislegacy

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    It is just starting live
  9. hislegacy

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    I am in Ulm Germany and unfortunately one of the only English channels is CNN. Bleh Joe actually did a good job
  10. hislegacy

    Tom Cotton Is Suddenly Among the Top Candidates for Trump’s VP: Report

    Then he would be just like the current VP
  11. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    Can’t find that in scripture, can you post the verses? I think they already know that. The students I teach are training for pastoral roles.
  12. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    Already prepared. But thanks. I came prepared
  13. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    Not everyone follows Bill Johnson. The Doctrine is found in a couple places. A little later tonight I can expand, but both of these are widely accepted and recognized.
  14. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    Yes. Landed - heading to the first classes now. Thanks for checking.
  15. hislegacy

    Heading to Germany to teach on the Doctrine of Divine Healing

    I am not familiar with what Bethel teaches.