Recent content by Hei

  1. H

    Disturbing dreams etc

    I think that I did truly want to find God, but maybe there were elements in it that were self absorbed. I wanted to be filled with His love. I feel ok about myself now I think because of Jesus, and the fact that he loves me, so I don't have to be perfect, I just need to keep his redemptive...
  2. H

    Disturbing dreams etc

    I don't understand... The dreams I had, he did not come as angel of light... And the good feelings I had were a result of reading the Bible and listening to gospel music. I had an actual desire to read God's word and to follow his commandments. And I felt love for the people near me. All I...
  3. H

    Disturbing dreams etc

    Fellow Christians, I need help... I will recount my story here and hope you can offer some guidance or insight based on the Bible, something I may have missed... As a child I was an avid believer in God and I was greatly moved by the story of Jesus. I prayed before going to sleep. In my...