Recent content by HappyChicken

  1. HappyChicken

    Online Lutheran Bible Studies

    Hi everyone! I have not posted on CF in a long time. I'm on dial-up and I don't always have the patience for the slow speed (which seems even slower on this site).... Anyways...Recently, my family (my husband, daughter and I) joined a Lutheran church. We started going to this church almost a...
  2. HappyChicken


    This place looks nice. I would love to spend a week or two there...
  3. HappyChicken

    Anybody from Indiana.

    is grace college in warsaw, in?
  4. HappyChicken

    Anybody from Indiana.

    I think I heard something about how the protestors won the fight!! THERE WILL BE NO ANTI-GOD busses in Bloomington. PRAISE THE LORD!
  5. HappyChicken

    Mellissa Scott

    ok, got ya....I use to be against female pastors, but I think I'm starting to have a change of heart. one more question, and i'll quit drifting from OP.... we wont have genders in heaven?
  6. HappyChicken

    Mellissa Scott

    Ok, that confused me.....u agree that no female should preach.... but to let Christ do the preaching regardless of vessel.... so what if the vessel is a woman? (Excuse me if i'm missing the point, its late and my nerves are shot lol):cool:
  7. HappyChicken

    Mellissa Scott

    Sometimes when I am up late at night, I watch Pastor Melissa Scott. I normally get really intrigued at first, and have interest in the origional topic. However, I get so lost in the linguistics that I normally forget the origional topic... Her changing accent really cracks me up. One minute...
  8. HappyChicken

    fibro, my skin hurts to touch

    I just found this area of the forum!! HELLO FELLOW FIBROMITES!!! I take lyrica. so far i'm on 75mg's three times a day. I get all the same side effects listed above....and i had some blurred vision while getting use to the dose...but the vision corrected itself and all the side effects I have...
  9. HappyChicken


    Wow! I did not know there was a technical name for that. I get that all the time...and it lays me up. I've been to ER's thinking I'm having a heart attack...they always tell me its anxiety. -Which i do get (anxiety)....but when my fibro hits me ribs hurt so bad...hurts to...
  10. HappyChicken

    Visiting Lutheran Churches-What to look for

    Well, I hope you find whatever you are looking for in a church. It's not easy. I kind of secretly wish my church was LCMS, but its not...and I know that we love Scripture, and my parish does alot in our community and there are "God Things" happening there. I'm not going to debate about it. I...
  11. HappyChicken

    Visiting Lutheran Churches-What to look for

    hi breanne! First of all, I would like to tell you that I know what its like to leave a religion and start over. I have done it...more than once. I grew up in a Christian church, and also attended my neighbors church, which was the Mormon church....I eventually joined the Mormon Church...
  12. HappyChicken

    questions for seasoned ELCA Lutherans

    whew! i feel better now!!! Thanks!
  13. HappyChicken

    questions for seasoned ELCA Lutherans

    THanks for the responses! i'm going to have to get those books!
  14. HappyChicken

    questions for seasoned ELCA Lutherans

    So, if not literal, then how am i suppose to understand it? I'm not trying to start a debate...just trying to understand. I have always understood these two doctrines as truth, and now that i go to an ELCA church, this is what does not settle well with me.