Recent content by Goodhuman

  1. G

    What are your thoughts?

    The world means the people. The many people form the world. If you do what they want you are part of the world. Jesus seperated himself from the world and was murdered, so the apostles and all saints (martyrs). And everyone who want to live godly in Christ will be persecuted - bible. The world...
  2. G

    Luke 8:30-31 into the Abyss

    No, in Jesus there is no demon. Mark 3: 28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. 30...
  3. G


  4. G

    What do you think of other sides contrary to God's?

    So? For example there is hinduism, paganism, satanism (illuminati), freemasonry, islam, mormonism, jehovah witness, judaism, ancient egyptian's religion and all denominations of the christianity. They all have different place of afterlife. What do you think, which of the above have better afterlife?
  5. G

    So why have you never dated?

    I have dated! But I don't want a girl who is only wife. I want a wife who is only spiritual. Not interested in the fleshly marriage. Better to live without married with her to have spiritual life. To not have kids. Not to grow in the spiruality I don't want to grow anymore. Just to have fun...
  6. G

    heaven and memories

    They will remember everything. Will know also the future, the past, everything, everything about anyone on earth or dead, their future, their past and everything about them. As dead they will have no limitation of the knowledge.
  7. G

    Saved from what?

    He saves us from poor afterlife. I believe in the kingdom of the spirits you will need good afterlife because it is permanent. I believe Jesus came by own will. It's not exactly through him. Only God can save, and when a person is saved it's saved by God directly. It's for the called. But many...
  8. G

    Believe in Jesus and you will be saved

    This means to keep the two, not to ignore the others.
  9. G

    Believe in Jesus and you will be saved

    If you believe him you must do all the things he said, but he also talked for the moses law, that if you have kept the 10 commandments you are saved. Also is said this: 1cor 7:19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
  10. G

    Believe in Jesus and you will be saved

    You can't ignore the whole bible just for one verse. Apostle James asks: can the faith save him? Which means the faith cannot save. Non-believers don't do works to be saved. Because they don't want to be saved. What's difference between christians who don't act to be saved and them? None, it's...
  11. G

    The government of King Yeshua

    It's not says jerusalem, but new jerusalem, coming down from heaven. It will be 1000 years, while the devil will be in prison. Christ together with the saints and all his servants will live in the new jerusalem. It's said not only those who will be on the earth that time but all his servants at...
  12. G

    Why the people crucified Jesus, why they was so cruel?

    Why the people crucified Jesus, why they was so cruel?
  13. G

    Spiritual AI...

    They are fake. Do not waste your time with voices from nowhere, they are not spirits. The source of this voices is not alive. So it is talking with no one, completely wasting of time.