Recent content by Godcrazy

  1. Godcrazy

    Help with dysfunctional mother?

    The most sad thing is if we are not married, and if we have not much friends ,we end up being alone because of them. But on the other hand, it's up to us to form new things or activities. Remember one woman in the bible, she helped the poor and those in need and the father less, and was very...
  2. Godcrazy

    Help with dysfunctional mother?

    Oops. Com lol
  3. Godcrazy

    Help with dysfunctional mother?

    I went through the same. Its hard to explain because if you haven't, people won't understand as there is a stigma that it's taboo that mothers can be like this. But they can. Look up narcissism That's what it's about .And if you are really unlucky, it's called psychopath. Antisocial...
  4. Godcrazy

    22 & Feeling like damaged goods.

    My dear. First, you are brave for coming here and talk about your fears and pain. That in itself shows you CAN overcome, and find a great man. You can do Anything. It's important I think you find a good counselor or therapist that specialises in this abuse and trauma. There are free or quite...
  5. Godcrazy

    Questions about the Sabbath?

    I just found a messianic church that actually they are adhering to at least on paper, how he said it would be. And actually expel those not doing You know living in sin etc. Not easy to come back to church either since last fall, and where I've been treated horrible before and coming alone...
  6. Godcrazy


    I also said, for things that you have a clear case of it to come from paganism. There are endless pages online about where it's from That's different, than the more subtle.
  7. Godcrazy

    Question About Marrying A Divorced Woman

    According to jesus if they are divorced you can't marry them, unless the other have commit adultery. Or is dead. That's the scripture. Regarding a non believer, you should not be yoked with unbeliever. Generally used as you can't marry a unbeliever But it's also used in different ways, so it's...
  8. Godcrazy


    I can't say it's just a decoration when it's directly linked to paganism. It would be different if not but it definitely have pagan roots. If you think it's just myths, look up what pagans actually say about it
  9. Godcrazy

    What should I do about the demons attacking me?

    No if you aren't going mental then something probably is.. At first you have to cover all entries. Are there things or objects that might belong to the occult or paganism in your home? Any literature? Get rid of whatever is. If possible, burn it. Are you born again? Do you have a personal...
  10. Godcrazy


    I can't see how when in the knowledge have something or celebrate something pagan would do good for me and God. I merely see it as a possible entry for evil influences. I used to think like that too that oh it doesn't matter but if it didn't why felt I less holy and the spiritual walk became...
  11. Godcrazy

    Questions about the Sabbath?

    Yes that's right I work in a care home where it's working by rota like each second weekend, although it's night work I have to sleep when I get home obviously.. I'm very new to it as I recently got back to the Lord, he's not shown me regarding the Sabbaths before but he did this time. Among...
  12. Godcrazy

    Burning heart and desire to preach the Bible?

    I get that too. It seems like noone gets it and just look weird on you. But it takes loneliness.
  13. Godcrazy


    Ps I'm definitely don't mean any bad just my experience and where the Lord led me to. It's a shame as I have alot of beautiful Christmas stuff including trees I can't bring with me when I'm moving home soon.
  14. Godcrazy


    Aren't we to come out from the world? Well if I knew something had pagan connection and I could do something about it I'd wonder if I'm not held responsible . I'm not saying we can weed everything out. But it's interesting in itself that these celebrations are so controversial regarding this...