Recent content by General Mung Beans

  1. G


    Just dropping in to thank you for the link. :)
  2. G

    Girl Scouts is for abortion!

    If you think a fetus becomes a human life at conception (as I do) than to be consistent, one cannot support abortion due to rape or incest considering 1) the fetus is not at fault for anything and 2) in most cases the rapist would not be executed.
  3. G

    Girl Scouts is for abortion!

    Not at all. That Scripture isn't calling for blind obedience and doesn't prevent anyone from respectfully opposing and trying to change our abortion laws. It merely precludes Christians from engaging in violent and illegal actions (such as shooting abortion doctors) to prevent abortions.
  4. G

    Do you sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic?

    I sing it as a patriotic song (I wish sometimes it was our national anthem) rather than as a hymn.
  5. G

    Have You Read teh ENTIRE Bible?

    Sadly not yet but I've begun to read through the Bible book by book since June of this year.
  6. G

    Questions to christian fundamentalist

    1. Yes 2. No 3. No, although I wish it were otherwise 4. Unloving, child abusers 5. Terrorists 6. Mostly good people 7. Yes, by definition 8. In most cases if they persist in anti-Trinitarian heresies 9. Depends 10. Not if its a just war
  7. G

    Chinese Calvinism Flourishes

    The same is true among Korean Christians.
  8. G

    Does it make sense to be a Conservative Democrat?

    This makes sense if one is a conservative on some issues but not all. Of course there are some Democrats so conservative they ought to join the Republican Party (ie Mark Pryor).
  9. G

    Does it make sense to be a Conservative Democrat?

    No but those are a tiny amount of disaffected radicals and fanatics.
  10. G

    Does it make sense to be a Conservative Democrat?

    What about people who can't find a job due to economic conditions? Or people who cannot maintain a living wage even with working? BTW, most welfare programs these days require one to either have a job or be looking for one.
  11. G

    What are your worst/most common sins?

    Going in the order of which Commendment it violates -Blasphemous thoughts/doubts -Neglecting praying/Scripture -Respecting parents -Anger at people -Lust -Foul language -Downloading some stuff illegally
  12. G

    what's wrong with Calvinism?

    I think partially the problem some people (especially secular, liberal types) is due to the view of all Calvinists as Puritans and defining Puritanism as (in the words of HL Mencken): "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy" rather than as a theological movement dedicated to...
  13. G

    Does it make sense to be a Conservative Democrat?

    I consider myself a conservative liberal/Christian Democrat (in European terms) politically and that makes me end up supporting the democrats in the US. While I obviously support banning abortion for the vast majority of reasons, I generally am a Democrat on most other issues (although I'm...
  14. G

    Creation as a Roadblock to PCA

    BTW isn't the Missouri Synod also YEC in doctrine?