Recent content by FromTheDarknessToTheLight

  1. F

    I think I've lost my faith. I would like people to pray for me. I would appreciate it

    Crap, I just fell into pornography again :( I harden my heart and feel like I'm going to hell anyway so why not? I want to have castration of my entire genitals, but I don't know if I should or not. Why so I enjoy pornography so much? This sucks so much, ALL God needs to do is open his arms and...
  2. F

    I think I've lost my faith. I would like people to pray for me. I would appreciate it

    Gosh, I didn't expect so many replies! Thanks so much everyone. I think I'll get a psych evaluation since I have not had one in many years. I've always had a small feeling that maybe this is all Satan's doing. I still feel very strongly that though it is God's doing. If I somehow live to see New...
  3. F

    I think I've lost my faith. I would like people to pray for me. I would appreciate it

    Thank you everyone. Your prayers did help a little. An answer to Joey is my medical diagnosis is I have schizophrenia. I never had a psych evaluation done though. My psychiatrist said it may be schizophrenia, although I do not see hallucinations visually or audiotorially. I can't really explain...
  4. F

    I think I've lost my faith. I would like people to pray for me. I would appreciate it

    This was supposed to be the best year of my life. Or so I thought when I was having visions God gave me last year. I have never been more miserable. I can't handle this anymore. Christianity has drove me to the point of insanity, and all God does is sit back and watch me suffer in torment. I've...
  5. F

    Absolutely terrified of God.

    I appreciate your previous reply a few days ago. I feel it had helped me. I don't know what I should do, I feel that my faith is very weak, and I don't know what to do. Should I just simply sit back and pray everyday that God helps me strengthen my faith? I can think of no other way for me to...
  6. F

    Absolutely terrified of God.

    Are you here to help or are you here to merely judge me and make me feel worse? So my masturbating was far worse than Paul's killing of Christians? Did you mean that as a question or just a way to say I could not be forgiven? Or It does say in the bible that you must repent of your sins. All...
  7. F

    Absolutely terrified of God.

    I have repented. Twice have I gone through all my sins, both known and unknown. After I do a minor sin I repent and try and turn away from it again. I have knocked on God's door, calling out to Him to please help me with my faith, and I receive nothing. I feel as if hes saying "it's too late...
  8. F

    Absolutely terrified of God.

    You can not really be serious with that reply? Is that really the best you can do? Fair enough. Do you follow the first commandment? If so, great. I wish I could. Also, if you do, then how can I? And why am I having so much trouble obeying God's most important commandment?
  9. F

    Absolutely terrified of God.

    God terrifies me. I've done so many bad things in life, but really, who hasn't? People have killed, raped, molested, and ruined other peoples lives and have been forgiven by God, but I feel like God will never forgive me. Even though I understand the concept of Jesus Christ and His blood washes...
  10. F


    I'm pro-life. It's simple. "Keep it in your pants" They say. I agree. If your stupid enough to get pregnant, it's your fault. Have your man use protection, and take the pill. The idea of abortion enrages me beyond anything else I can really think of. There is no excuse for killing a baby in the...
  11. F

    Why would an atheist come to Christ, if not to avoid hell?

    Does that mean I'm going to hell then? Because that is why I came to Christ. God came to me and showed me that He and His son does exist, and he pointed me to His son. Let's just say this religious experience was quite unpleasant and terrifying.
  12. F

    are these games not meant too be played by Christains ?

    It's strange that you mention NV:Honest hearts, as very recently, about a week ago, I was speaking to a relative about the same add-on. The characters, story, and a few other things about the add-on. It's not really so much the violence in those games, it's more of the choices you decide to...
  13. F

    Sometimes you just can not trust people (I need to vent)

    I'm really sorry to hear about that. I know it's not much, but I'll pray for you. Sometimes life throws us curveballs. :(
  14. F

    What's wrong with me?

    I was constantly beat by my babysitters, and possibly even molested. As a result of that daily abuse from them and my father, I have brain damage. I forgave my babysitters for what they did, it was hard. It took years. They took away things from me I may never get back unless God wills it. Give...
  15. F

    are these games not meant too be played by Christains ?

    I agree, but there are games out there besides Mario that aren't too bad. Super smash bros is a cool game, I don't care if you are a kid or an adult, that game is a lot of fun. It does not depict gory violence or anything of that sort, while it does depict fighting it does so in a fairly...