
I was born into a piously Christian family, who from an early age indoctrinated me into their faith. I was bred into the religion, I had known no alternative and therefore never questioned, merely followed. As a child, I was as perfectly Christian as a child could be. Each night I would kneel by my bed and thank God for the blessing of life.

Loosing my faith was one of the hardest experiences of my life, even to this day. I mourned the loss of the one thing that had throughout my entire early life remained constant, and the only thing I had ever felt was important and certain. A series of unbearabley traumatic events at a ridiculously tender age stole my faith from me, and there is no way I will ever regain the childlike naivité that allowed me to keep holding on.

Mother language is German. Currently studying Mathematics, English, Goverment & Politics and Physics. Hoping to join the national airforce when I've finished my studies.

Photography, reading, gymnastics, long walks.

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