Recent content by EbioniteRevival

  1. EbioniteRevival

    Midnight strikes, does the parable of Ten virgins explain the pre-trib. Rapture ?

    I believe this story is about a mid-tribulation rapture, because I believe we have been in the tribulation period since September 27, 2020. If we add 1290 days to September 27, 2020, which was the day when "tamidot" (regular offerings) (Daniel 12:11) were "taken away" due to Coronavirus...
  2. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    Making it up as you go, I see. No proof whatsoever. The truth for you is whatever is convenient for you. I have shown you multiple proofs that your claims are not possible, but you lack the maturity to admit your mistakes.
  3. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    Sorry, pal. Based on the available evidence, there could not have been any Jubilee year in 31 AD, even if we assume a 49-year cycle. I trust that you will be able to do the simple additions by multiples of 7 to figure out that there can be no Jubilee Year in 31 AD based on a 49-year cycle...
  4. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    You must be a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. You cannot even face the fact that even the Bible's declarations contradict your claims. If someone contradicts the Torah, they are to be rejected, according to Moshe. So you are disqualified. When was the 5th year of the reign of...
  5. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    Wow! Thanks for this fascinating video. I am not an Adventist, and I only just watched this video last night. But it is fascinating that last year I have independently arrived at the same year: 2027 - and for totally different reasons. This means there are multiple witnesses having multiple...
  6. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    Wow! Are you really saying that there is no evidence for your claims? Isn't proof that there was a Jubilee Year in 574 BCE enough to disprove there wasn't one in 558 BCE? There is only a 16 year difference between those years, so if there was one in 574 BCE, there could not have been any...
  7. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    Show me the evidence that there was a Jubilee Year occurring in the year 558 BCE - or any year that is a multiple of 49 years before or after this year - because this is the sort of evidence you need to support your idea that the Jubilee Year occurs every 49 years. I have presented the evidence...
  8. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    BTW, Deafsilence, Kepler independently deduced that the year of Creation was 3992 BCE. That would be only 18 years earlier than the date I deduced, which is 3974 BCE; and it would be 12 years later than the year deduced by James Ussher: 4004 BCE. Newton came up with a date only slightly...
  9. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    The state of Israel is relevant for this reason: it represents the governmental setup that was designed to make extermination of the people of Israel more efficient. This is accomplished by making the world hostile to Jews; having an extermination campaign ("Shoah" or "Holocaust"); making a...
  10. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    I said nothing about the modern state of Israel being the Biblical Israel. Why did you infer that I was assuming what you claim? Where did you get the 41 figure from?
  11. EbioniteRevival

    Do you think we are very near the tribulation period?

    I believe we are in the first half of the last 7 years. I believe we are already in a tribulation period, because many Christians, including many of those people referred to as "lost tribes" are under heavy persecution and even genocide. For instance, the people of Tigray, which is in the...
  12. EbioniteRevival

    Yes, you can know the DAY and the HOUR of His Coming

    I believe Yeshua said this, because he implied that he is coming in the second or third watch of night (Luke 12:38). The second watch is from 9 PM to midnight; and the third watch is from midnight to 3 AM. Thus, it is a two-day and (roughly) six-hour window. The definite day and hour have not...
  13. EbioniteRevival

    A mid-trib rapture interpretation based on Enoch, of Daniel 12:11-12; Amos 8:9; John 16 & Matt. 24

    Yes, September 27, 2020 was the start of Coronavirus lockdown in Israel. As a result, all sacrifices, including the so-called "kapparot" (the ritual of waving a chicken over one's head with the belief that one's sins are transferred onto the chicken - a ritual done by some Ashkenazi Jews on Yom...
  14. EbioniteRevival

    A mid-trib rapture interpretation based on Enoch, of Daniel 12:11-12; Amos 8:9; John 16 & Matt. 24

    Notice there will be "total darkness" over Egypt precisely at 12:59 (11:59 without daylight savings time). It appears that Biblical apocalypses will be repeated to signal the return of the Messiah as returning king. But this will happen only after he returns as groom/thief. Whether he is a...
  15. EbioniteRevival

    A mid-trib rapture interpretation based on Enoch, of Daniel 12:11-12; Amos 8:9; John 16 & Matt. 24

    It appears that some who are studying end times prophecy have placed the 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 after the 1290 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11 in a sequential order. However, I believe that verse 12 is just shifting the focus from the "bad guys" to the "good guys"; so it is saying that whoever...