Recent content by Dr. Duderino

  1. Dr. Duderino

    Relationship status = divorced

    I concur, If two are legitimately divorced, then you are single until you find your true love. I myself am entirely single even though I put "divorced" in my profile, as the vow and covenant of marriage were entirely destroyed by my former mate. There is nothing to go back to, no marriage left...
  2. Dr. Duderino

    Recently Divorced

    My heart goes out to olds8598 and all who are here. I cannot understand why some people throw away their beloved spouses and marriages like an old pair of shoes, treat them as trash. Simply "grow apart...its not you, its me" nonsense. My heart goes out to the OP and others here who went...
  3. Dr. Duderino

    You know you're over your divorce...

    When you feel no ill will against your ex, but do not miss them and are looking to the bright future ahead.
  4. Dr. Duderino

    Advice for dating after divorce

    I too feel the same way. Almost like having to back to school again and crack open a textbook. Arrhhh. Well, as I am in the same boat I cannot counsel you as I too am seeking the same help. But just know the red flags of abusive people, and steer clear of them. If a girl moves too quickly and...
  5. Dr. Duderino

    What Am I in Terms of Divorceness?

    I am just very afraid of being labeled an open box item by prospective future romantic interests. Im not sure how to broach the subject when first meeting and pursuing a love interest in the future. It seems that many outside of the church think not much of it, but in the church I fear can be a...
  6. Dr. Duderino

    What Am I in Terms of Divorceness?

    I too am perplexed by this. I consider myself completely single regardless of the past. My past marriage is basically null and void, and the marital bond including physically, emotionally with trust and spiritually is completely severed by the actions and attitude of the person whom I was once...
  7. Dr. Duderino

    Divorced people are the lepers of the modern American church.

    I also sympathize this everyone here, There will always be those who understand, and those who do not. Reality conflicts with their perceived view of how things should be. Often our brethren grow up in sheltered Christian households and do not know what to make of this grim reality. But we...
  8. Dr. Duderino

    Leaving Abusive marriage after 6 years! Please pray for me.

    Man, I feel for your bro. My ex was pretty much the same, she has typical borderline personality disorder with anti-social traits. By no means do I make any claim of such for your ex nor am I trying to keyboard diagnose, but I can bet 99% that she has some sort of personality disorder. I...
  9. Dr. Duderino

    Physical changes before/after divorce?

    Well, as others have said: Significant stress leading up to, during and in the after math of marital breakdown and divorce causes high circulating stress hormones ie. cortisone levels which are weight positive, such as seen in people taking corticosteroids like prednisone for prolonged periods...
  10. Dr. Duderino

    Anyone just want to talk?

    I have all the time in the world my friend. Stay blessed! Any specific concerns?
  11. Dr. Duderino

    Love: Eros

    To the OP question, I suppose your are inquiring as to the nature and need of marriage between and man and woman? 1. The deepest emotional, physical and (hopefully) spiritual intimacy with a human being on this earth. 2. To enjoy regular holy physical intimacy as God intended and be wholly...
  12. Dr. Duderino

    Hi Everybody!

    Hello everyone, I am new to CF after having discovered it a few months ago, and am truly blessed by the conversations and insights of the esteemed members here! I thought it would be nice to join the community of like minded believers in Christ on the new, especially given this current pandemic...
  13. Dr. Duderino

    Hello - new member

    Welcome bro!