Recent content by DennisBon

  1. DennisBon

    Guys I need mentorship from a older brother.

    God held me up since I stopped working, I have been working at home for 4 years buying and selling car, he blessed me so much since I left working for the world, money was not a problem. I know work is Good but I don't understand why God took me out of work in the world, I felt like maybe its...
  2. DennisBon

    Ancient Humans Made Expeditions to This 750,000-Year-Old Workshop

    I thought this was a christian forum, the earth is around 6000 +- years old according to the Bible, whenever I hear hundreds of thousands or milions Im like do you even believe in the word of God.
  3. DennisBon

    Guys I need mentorship from a older brother.

    In dec. 2019 I felt to leave my job in my spirit, it was an alarming in my spirit, at the time I was 1 year in being born again, it was right before covid. since then I have tried to work few times but each time I would not work for a long time I would quit myself, because I feel in my spirit I...