Recent content by ClothedInGrace

  1. ClothedInGrace

    What does God want me to do?

    What's best is not always comfortable. Is exercise comfortable? No, but it gives you strength. Maybe God wants you to grow?
  2. ClothedInGrace

    The 7th day Sabbath Rest

    It's sexual immorality. Any form of sex outside of a marriage relationship between one man and one woman is sin. We can go to the OT to see what God thinks about certain things, but that doesn't mean that we are under an obligation to keep the entirety of the Mosaic Law. Read Galatians 3, please.
  3. ClothedInGrace

    So then, has anything changed?

    Well, I've never shared my opinions on this subject previously, but yes, they have remained somewhat the same. My opposition to the movement has actually strengthened with the recent anti-cop rhetoric.
  4. ClothedInGrace

    So then, has anything changed?

    Well, I just gave my opinion. BLM is movement built on lawbreaking and race baiting. If it really was about police brutality then they would come up with a new hashtag, but it's not about police brutality: it's about playing the victim and getting mad when people don't buy into it.
  5. ClothedInGrace

    So then, has anything changed?

    You have to be specific: every case is different, and I'm not going to fall into the trap of thinking that every Black man dead is dead because cops are racist, because that in and of itself is a racist narrative. If we are talking about BLM, then no, I've never and will never support a movement...
  6. ClothedInGrace

    So then, has anything changed?

    With regards to what? BLM? What recent killings? Alton and Philando?
  7. ClothedInGrace

    The 7th day Sabbath Rest

    Of course that is still a sin, but for more reasons than simply because the Mosaic Law says so. You missed my point, however, which is that the Law cannot make someone righteous.
  8. ClothedInGrace

    The 7th day Sabbath Rest

    Yes, the Law is good, but it was primarily there to show Israel their sin. We cannot be made righteous by the Law, because the one who wants to be righteous by the Law must keep it perfectly. Also, we are under the New Covenant era of grace, and that means we are not held under the OT Law...
  9. ClothedInGrace

    married intimacy

    Sex is never a sin if you two are married and both consent.
  10. ClothedInGrace

    Please Pray

    The flesh will always be there, but by the grace of God and His Spirit that dwells in those who have faith in Christ there is power to overcome. Shoot always for what is right; seek God and the truth; don't listen to the lies of the fallen ones; flee from fantasy and stay rooted in reality. Just...
  11. ClothedInGrace


    I went to public school my entire life, and it honestly has made my faith stronger. It was also an incredible witness to work hard in school when everyone else preferred to slack off and party. Teach your children the truth at home, always, but when it comes to getting an education, I think it...
  12. ClothedInGrace


    I think the core issue regarding the afterlife and the final judgement is the misunderstanding of what a soul actually is. We learn all we need to about the body, spirit, and soul in Genesis 2:7 which reads as follows: Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his...
  13. ClothedInGrace

    Why are you Single?

    Waiting for God to bring the woman into my life.
  14. ClothedInGrace


    Indeed. Dead souls don't either.