Recent content by clairefish

  1. clairefish

    Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (3)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (2)"
  2. clairefish

    Sentences containing a film, play or book title (Non-ABC)

    The cat ventured up a tree to KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. bad kitty, bad bad kitty. ☺
  3. clairefish

    Today I am grateful for... (4)

    Today I found out that my baby (30 yrs old) has been blessed by our Lord and is with child! Her first, my fourth grandchild. I simply cannot stop smiling and crying! :clap::prayer:
  4. clairefish

    Chit Chat (14)

    I don't post very often, but I thought this was well worth reposting. :wave: and maybe Dave, in all his infinite wisdom, could maybe make it bigger? thanks dave!
  5. clairefish

    Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Words beginning with 'R'!!!!!"
  6. clairefish

    What's the weather like where you are? (8)

    Considering the date showing on the calendar, and the state I live in, this has been one of the most beautiful days of the year!
  7. clairefish

    Please pray for my beloved husband JimR-OCDS

    Gail, very positive posts from you on here and that's such a good thing. I couldn't help but wonder, how is Ms. Penny doing through all of this? I know how much you both love her and how much she loves the both of you. I hope she's a real comfort to you at this time. God bless you, Jim and God...
  8. clairefish

    Please pray for my beloved husband JimR-OCDS

    Gail, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers!! :prayer:
  9. clairefish

    Chit Chat (14)

    That was beautiful, Susie! And so refreshing here in the near 100 degree heat in central Texas!! Thanks for the lovely vision!!
  10. clairefish

    Post your puzzles here

    The answer is nothing. and simply enough, NOTHING is greater than God. :-) but instead of taking blessings, please take the ones I have sent to you Dave, and pass them to others. I don't post that often and I would appreciate your help in giving. :wave:
  11. clairefish

    What made you feel happy today?

    a friend of mine says judging from her clothes, her favorite color is dog hair!! :-)
  12. clairefish

    The Rainbow Bridge

    The Old Man and His Dog An old man and his dog were walking along a country road, enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to the man that he had died. He remembered dying, and realized, too, that the dog had been dead for many years. He wondered where the road would lead them, and...
  13. clairefish

    Happy Birthday ~ 357magnum ~ April 18 (1949)

    Happy happy birthday to a man who never seems to forget his fellow man or woman! God bless him!
  14. clairefish

    Prayer requests (5)

    My nephew is one of the firefighters fighting the ammonia explosion and fires in the town of West here in Texas tonight. Please pray for the safety of all those involved and for those families of those that have been killed.