Recent content by cj.

  1. cj.

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    Read and agreed.
  2. cj.

    How many of you take blood thinner?

    I began seeing a cardiologist a few years ago because I was experiencing AFib (paroxysmal atrial fibrillation) and the first thing he did was prescribe a blood thinner to minimize the risk of ischemic stroke that AFib can cause. In my case, the blood thinner was Eliquis -- reportedly a safer...
  3. cj.


    Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome! :)
  4. cj.

    Custom, easy-reading themes for CF (New Color - GRAY!)

    I like the blue! Thanks, Paul! I think I must also be using the Modern format rather than the Default and I don't see any option in my Preferences for changing that. Maybe there's now only one format available? In any case, I'm pleased with what I've got now. :)
  5. cj.

    Receiving the Baptism With The Spirit

    Got it! Thank you, sir. :)
  6. cj.

    Thanks for accepting me

    Hi, Daniel! Welcome aboard! :)
  7. cj.


    Hi, Will! Welcome to the forums. Isn't God good?!!
  8. cj.

    Receiving the Baptism With The Spirit

    Hi Oscarr, Why you direct seekers to make sure it is God's will for them to be baptized with the Holy Spirit rather than point them to Scripture which establishes his will in the matter?
  9. cj.

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    I have read the Statement of Purpose for the Spiritual Gifts forum and agree to follow the guidelines, as well as the CF sitewide rules.
  10. cj.


    Welcome, biblelesson! :)
  11. cj.

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    I used to go for dark roasts like French and Italian, but then a friend introduced me to quality lighter roasts and I discovered a world of flavor possibilities I didn't know existed. I don't mean added flavors but the flavors inherent to the beans -- flavors often lost in a dark roast. That...
  12. cj.

    I cannot sleep at night since 5 months

    "Some people say it is not of a christian to take pills" Not Christian to take medications? That's nonsense. The apostle Paul told Timothy to drink wine for his stomach's sake and his frequent ailments (1 Tim 5:3). In Timothy's case, wine was medicinal. Paul didn't tell young Timothy that he...
  13. cj.


    Thank you! :)
  14. cj.

    Gallup: Record number of people (including Republicans) now support Same-Sex Marriage

    "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." (Col 2:8) The world holds forth many truth claims utterly opposed to God's word. God's word, on the other hand...
  15. cj.

    New member. 34yo male.

    Hi, Kevin! Welcome aboard, brother! Just got here myself and finding my way around. Nice to know I'm not the only newb. :)