Recent content by chrismarklee

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    Our ancient faith, quotes on doctrine from the Early Church Fathers.

    I am very Catholic Christian. Our enemy is our culture not protestant churches. I have even lead people to attend protestant church. Let the Holy Spirit guide them
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    I need an answer for someone else.

    Look at the Trinity. From a human perspective, it makes no sense. The trinity is part of God's reality. We cannot understand this. We are humans
  3. C

    Beatification of Pius XII blocked by absence of approved miracle

    My understanding is there are recorded miracles already. I read so much on the internet. I have to be careful that my source is reliable. There are lies on the internet.
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    Beatification of Pius XII blocked by absence of approved miracle

    I have been following this story. I just do not get it. MY guess is Pope francis is buying time on this. He needs to release all Vatican archives. There are already solid source he helped save 400K Jews in Nazi Europe. Padre Pio saw Pope Pius XII in heaven too
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    Do you really believe that the Bible is true? Do you even agree with it?

    I am Catholic. I believe part of the old testament might be allegorical. This does not take away that it is truth. God is teaching us truth. The whole bible is truth God bless everyone We are saved by the act that Jesus died for our sins.
  6. C

    Do you really believe that the Bible is true? Do you even agree with it?

    Easy answer. Is Jesus God who he claimed to be? If he was no,t he was a nut. If he was a nut, the bible is a lie I know Jesus to be be my God.
  7. C

    What happened to Western Culture?

    The real enemy is the culture. The decline of religious values and the family structure. These are core elements of a culture. Pope Benedict focus on the threat of relativism Also, remember Satan is real and he is involved in our mess
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    10% of Tea Party Donors Audited by IRS

    They also picked on Billie Graham son to audit This needs to stop
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    Do catholics secretly worship Mary?

    There was an early church before the bible. The early church taught people Their teachings are either true or false. If the early church taught lies before the bible, then the bible would be a lie too. You need to look at history
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    Do catholics secretly worship Mary?

    "There is a common, worldly kind of 'Christianity' in this day, which we have- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice- which costs nothing, and is worth nothing." ~J.C. Ryle Very profound Read History In the 1930s All major Christian churches has the same...
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    "The Catholic and Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the Church"

    What was interesting is Mother Angelic She was a charismatic Jim Baker gave her a break and gave her a show as the token catholic on his network. She really got upset on the Holy laughter movement She thought it was a major abuse. God is not laughing at us.
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    Do catholics secretly worship Mary?

    Worshiping Mary would be against the 10 commandments. Of course we do not worship Mary Read our Catechism
  13. C

    I had a vision

    Never put put the holy spirit in a box. I moves both in Protestant and Catholic churches. It may even move in Islam too
  14. C

    I had a vision

    There has to be. John Paul 2 visited him on the 60s for a prayer request for a family member. He also rose people from the dead by the holy spirit. Talk about being pentecostal or charismatic. The gifts of the holy spirit are real but a lot of abuses. Mother Angelica was charismatic
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    I had a vision

    Padre Pio had the gift to read souls