Recent content by Chris V++

  1. Chris V++

    Fauxrigami Koi Pond

  2. Chris V++

    Swann Memorial Fountain

    Thanks Alex. Yes I painted it in watercolor.Here’s an update. I darkened the sculptures. Thanks for the Wikipedia link!
  3. Chris V++

    Swann Memorial Fountain

    This is in Philadelphia. If you ‘ve ever watched It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia this is in the opening. This is watercolor 12x16 on Arches
  4. Chris V++

    Please pray-New Stressful Part Time Job

    Thank you for your prayers. This class has been a blessing and the students are great. The second class went even better and no one dropped out! I asked them to please come back next week and one lady said ‘try to stop me.’ The ladies are becoming friends and enjoying themselves. 6 more to go...
  5. Chris V++

    Please pray-New Stressful Part Time Job

    Thanks for all your prayers! The class was fantastic. The ladies had a blast and became friends and helped each other. We laughed a lot and covered a lot of ground and everyone is looking forward to next week. The librarians confirmed the students were talking about it as they were exiting...
  6. Chris V++

    Please pray-New Stressful Part Time Job

    thank you. I’ll report back how it went. Listened to Christian radio and all the right songs came in perfect succession and the anxiety evaporated. ‘Whom then shall I fear? ‘ Oh no you never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no you never let go, every high and every low….’
  7. Chris V++

    Please pray-New Stressful Part Time Job

    I’ll be conducting an 8 week art workshop for retirees starting this Saturday at a local library. I’m anxious about it but have a great curriculum provided I can facilitate effectively. Please pray I don’t make a fool of myself and that the 10 students benefit.The program is supposed to help...
  8. Chris V++

    Happy Accident

  9. Chris V++

    Aspiring Fishmonger

  10. Chris V++


  11. Chris V++

    Ugly Duckling

  12. Chris V++

    Faux Origami

    Graphite and watercolor pencil
  13. Chris V++


  14. Chris V++

    Final for 2023

    Happy New Year. Anyone making resolutions? I still need to crop around the outer contour with scissors but can ‘t decide if something should go in the foreground like another pencil or maybe a more realistic egg in full color. It’s graphite and watercolor pencils on watercolor paper.