Recent content by ChavaK

  1. ChavaK

    The QR Tattoo

    Hi Aryeh, don't know if you are still around or not....I almost never come here any more since we no longer have posting rights in most places.
  2. ChavaK

    When two worldviews collide.

    I see so many Messianics desperately want to be Jews. I've seen every story imaginable. I tend not to believe them. Most of the Messianics are Gentile despite their "discovery" of being Jewish. They may feel like they are Jewish, but that is irrelevant. I actually kind of feel bad for them...
  3. ChavaK

    Massad Ayoob: Defending Your Home with the AR-15 Elite Carbine

    Several years ago I took Ayoob's Mag 40 course. It was very good.
  4. ChavaK

    Massad Ayoob: Defending Your Home with the AR-15 Elite Carbine

    I am assuming with such a post you know little to nothing about ARs?
  5. ChavaK

    Introduction + Questions

    Chabad is everywhere in Israel, so presumably they are in your town too. I would contact them. They are warm and welcoming and available to answer your questions.
  6. ChavaK

    Introduction + Questions

    Hi, I am not much for posting on forums but if you would like to send me a message (start a conversation) here I would be happy to answer your questions.
  7. ChavaK

    Introduction + Questions

    I accidentaly double posted, see the next one for my response.
  8. ChavaK

    If you had to pick one of each for a friends bugout bag?

    A couple of my friends have purchased .22lr conversions for the AR15's. Their thinking is it's great for plinking at small critters for food it necessary. Don't know if I agree with it, but an interesting idea.
  9. ChavaK

    Why Americans Are Getting Concealed Carry Permits In Record Numbers

    With the defund the police movement and the big increase in crime this is no surprise.
  10. ChavaK

    The Best Gun For Women? The Walther P22 Might Just Be It.

    Correct. A flaw in the rimfire ammo, not the rim fire pistol.
  11. ChavaK

    The Best Gun For Women? The Walther P22 Might Just Be It.

    I agree. Always a risk of failing to fire, as .22 is wont to do at times (I shoot a lot of .22 at speed steel and it can be an issue) and although it can be a deadly round I prefer something with more stopping power.
  12. ChavaK

    The Best Gun For Women? The Walther P22 Might Just Be It.

    Me. I train a lot and compete a lot. I know a lot of women who do the same. You can also ask that question of men. And I've seen them flinch/limp wrist. Unfortunately too many people do not train seriously with their guns, male or female.
  13. ChavaK


    I was in Beijing last year. Fabulous city. Didn't get a chance to check out the Jewish community though.
  14. ChavaK

    Any Jews left here?

    Years ago there was a list of non-Messianic Jews who were allowed to post. That has since been changed to Christians only being allowed to post there. I enjoy speaking to a wide variety of people if a subject interests me.
  15. ChavaK


    It's not Jewish, it holds beliefs the opposite of Judaism. It is made up mostly of Gentiles, not Jews. They should just call it Messianicism or something and leave the Judaism out of it. It's like naming something Islamic Christianity or Atheistic Christianity. It doesn't make sense.