Recent content by CantorSeraphim

  1. CantorSeraphim

    Are Eastern Catholics and traditional Catholics Orthodox in denial [CONTROVERSIAL]

    Thank you, I will try to look that up. I am interested because for many us (ECs) our self-understanding does include the notion that we are Orthodox (in communion with Rome), though not in communion with the larger body of canonical Orthodoxy. Most who hold this position tend to see the unia as...
  2. CantorSeraphim

    Orthodox in Communion with Rome?

    Thanks for your contribution! I have my own experience with the difference in approaches, and was hoping for some insight from others as to the experience in their communities - but there doesn't appear to be many other ECs around. In a way the question was raised in my mind on account of the...
  3. CantorSeraphim

    Orthodox in Communion with Rome?

    Christ is Risen! A question for any other Catholics belonging to sui juris Eastern churches in communion with the Holy See of Rome. Do you or your community identify as 'Orthodox in Communion with Rome'? Why or why not? How does this identity, or lack thereof affect the modus vivendi of your...
  4. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    based on my understanding of the discussion that has taken place in this thread so far I think that would be because in the EO view theologoumenon are qualitatively different from doctrines or dogmas.
  5. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Yes, unless one holds a purely forensic view of doctrine and how it is salvific.
  6. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Thank you @abacabb3, the distinction between terminological and substantial change is a better way to put it than the way I was trying to articulate it above. The example you give from Hebrews is great - really helps me to see the difference.
  7. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    To add to my comment above, while researching I came across the following from Fr. Georges Florovsky of which I've only excerpted a small piece: "Dogma is an intuitive truth, not a discursive axiom which is accessible to logical development. The whole meaning of dogma lies in the fact that it...
  8. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    You are saying that development does happen, but its never something dogmatically new...but I think you would agree that we do see new dogmatic language (homoousious for example), or new dogmatic concepts that were not articulated before (for example Constantinople III on the energies and wills...
  9. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Forgive me if I am misinterpreting your posts @prodromos, but I am not here to get into a polemic or to defend the current praxis of the Latin Church (of which I am not a member). My intention in posing the question about the EO view of doctrinal development was to try to understand if the...
  10. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    There is also the witness of the iconographic tradition and the hymnography of churches (including those in communion with Rome). If the Most Holy Theotokos did not die all of these have been in error for 2000 years.
  11. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    That makes sense. So in the EO view, the category of doctrinal development applies but you would question whether specific changes were in fact (eg: those introduced by the Latin church) legitimate developments or corruptions. Do I understand you correctly?
  12. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Doctrinal change need not necessarily be equated with doctrinal development - that is in some sense the heart of the question I am asking. In the example you give - those who make this claim, in my experience, do so based on a certain understanding of Original Sin, but in my understanding, this...
  13. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    By this do you mean that only the terms we use to speak about a given Divine reality may change according to the needs of the time, past expressions remaining perennially valid? Or do you mean that concepts contained virtually within a revealed truth may be explicitly articulated over time as...
  14. CantorSeraphim

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Glory to Jesus Christ! I have a question for my EO brethern: How do the EO view the concept of doctrinal development? Do you consider this a valid category for talking about the history of dogma? Is it commonly appealed to in theological discussions? If not - is there a particular objection...
  15. CantorSeraphim

    Are Eastern Catholics and traditional Catholics Orthodox in denial [CONTROVERSIAL]

    Thank you, I have to confess that I am not very familiar with the history here, so I will have to look into it. I have heard the anecdote about Pope Leo III and the silver shields in St. Peters before, though I also recall hearing or reading somewhere that although he opposed the insertion of...