Recent content by Burn The Ships

  1. Burn The Ships


    Hey friend! Welcome to CF! Reading your message, I would have never known that you are not a native English Speaker. Impressive!
  2. Burn The Ships

    It Went Great!!

    It was super nice meeting up with everyone again! I got to talk to a friend from our church writing group. It's been online for a long time. I miss everyone <\3 The church was crowded because of Mother's Day and no one wore masks. That bothered me a bit but it's alright. Jesus first forever and...
  3. Burn The Ships


    Daily has clearly not happened here O.o that's alright though. I have journals I use outside of here too. so it's Mother's Day today!! I got up early and showered and was ready before anyone else was up. And Im going to church with my Aunt and Grandma today! I've had a lot of not so nice...
  4. Burn The Ships

    Discussion Church led by former sinners for sinners and all.

    I pray for that also. Thank you so much for sharing this! It was an interesting read. And you're right. The church could do well with opening their arms a bit farther.
  5. Burn The Ships

    Please pray for my Oma

    Thank you so much sand!
  6. Burn The Ships

    Please pray for my Oma

    Thank you soooo much to everyone who prayed! She came home today and is doing okay. Glory to God in the Highest <3
  7. Burn The Ships

    More Fellowship with Soph and Friends (200)

    Hello people! may I join in the fun? :P
  8. Burn The Ships

    Knock Knock

    Any Gen Zs here to chat with lil Zee? I'm looking for people to just hang out with here. Maybe just a little while but it'd be nice to see people my own age (ish) :P
  9. Burn The Ships

    GEN X: What music have you been listening to ?!

    I have been listening to a lot of Christian Hard Rock. Im really enjoying anything by Red or Thousand Foot Krutch h at the moment :)
  10. Burn The Ships

    New here

    Thank you Sunshine and Chocolate! I must ask - which is your favorite lion candy- chocolate flavored or vanilla flavored O.o my brain is confused xD
  11. Burn The Ships

    Please pray for my Oma

    Amen! that was beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this moment of prayer with me ❤️
  12. Burn The Ships

    what are you feeling right now? (24)

    That's neat Dragon. What is your favorite thing about your city?
  13. Burn The Ships

    Day One

    Hey readers (if there is anyone out there...) Its nice of you to stop by. I hope you find encouragement in the pages of this blog. If not, you can find it somewhere. Just keep looking :) Anyhoo... Here's today's entry. My Oma is in the hospital- has been since this morning. She has heart...
  14. Burn The Ships

    Daily Journal

    That's the goal anyways. I think journaling every day will really help- especially when focusing on a positive viewpoint. That's what this journal is here for :)
  15. Burn The Ships

    An idea for a new Age Group Section

    I see that now. oops! I'm so sorry :O Maybe this is why new folks' opinions shouldn't matter lolol My apologies. Thank you for pointing that out.