Recent content by Brianlear

  1. B

    "Jesus, what must I do to be saved?" Sincerity fizzles after seconds

    common worry, but it's okay. If you are being sincere, then you are. You don't have to second guess it. God didn't create you so you could obsess all day long with doubting your own sincerity!
  2. B

    The battle for my soul is why I have not posted in awhile

    I have noticed that you started a lot of different threads containing basically the same information. Literally 11 threads on the main page of this sub-forum are yours! And they all read basically the same way. People are going to tune you out at some point, which I don't think is your intent.
  3. B

    I'm a mom So now what

    Sounds like you've had a tough life! You are going to be okay! Reach out to your friends and family. And reach out to your fiance as well, let him know you still love him. Men are tempted in the post-partum period because their wife is suddenly focused on another life. If you can, TRY to make...
  4. B

    Struggling to forgive

    Thanks for sticking with this! I'm just here to help you see things from a different angle. And I think its obvious that there is way more history here than we can know in an online form. You've alluded to things other than the porn that damaged your family and children, and I can only guess at...
  5. B

    Super conflicted over loyalties to family

    I predict she will end up hurting her husband severely, some day. She'll end up alone, and then come back to you guys for comfort. Which is why I almost recommend warning him first.
  6. B

    Struggling to forgive

    Well, you took my post about 10x more personally than I intended :) Sorry if you took the meaning to be that this is "all your fault". Not at all, we are each equal contributors to the problems in a relationship. If he is continuing to use porn despite serious consequences in his life, then he...
  7. B

    National Go Topless Day

    IMO many traditional cultures exist where breasts are not sexualized. I have been to nude beaches and its super nice to be somewhere where even full nudity is not sexualized. I would love to see humanity get over its collective shame and quit hyper-sexualizing everything But I don't see it...
  8. B

    For liberal Christians only

    What if what you call being "inspired" by jesus, is the same thing as when Christians say "jesus is manifesting through you". Like what if its just semantics and the two things are describing the same phenomena, but neither side knows that.
  9. B

    Super conflicted over loyalties to family

    You've got a few options. You could do nothing. Let god sort it out. Be best buds with both of them and hopefully nothing horrible happens. You could tell your sister you know what she's doing, and that you aren't going to rat her out, but that your relationship with her is done until she...
  10. B

    Struggling to forgive

    I will also put my personal story, shortly, here. I struggled with porn for a long time, and still do. My wife knows about it, and basically supports me any way she can, but she doesn't get mad about it. Even if I fail and watch it, I can tell her, and she'll just forgive me instantly. And it...
  11. B

    Spouse wants to move to his hometown

    I think if there is a compelling quality of life reason for you to move to his family farm, your family might be more for it than you think. If your family visits twice a year, and you visit them twice a year, then you are seeing each other every few months which is pretty good. Still though, I...
  12. B

    Struggling to forgive

    Huge amount to unpack here, but I'm going to challenge you on a couple things, maybe even bordering on tough love, with the utmost respect, if you don't mind. I think it will help. You say that he "lied to get you to marry him." Are you implying that if he HAD told you the truth when you first...
  13. B

    For liberal Christians only

    You know something funny? Your statement, about growing more with people on the margins. Guess what? You're talking like Yeshua. This is literally exactly how he talked---his favorite topics were, helping people and also railing against hypocritical church-goers. You would fit right in around...
  14. B

    For liberal Christians only

    I think your impression that the Christian God has been anthropomorphized, is very accurate, and has been done through art mainly over thousands of years. That, however, has NOTHING to do with who he actually is and whether the Christian story is true or not. It's true, there is no proof. You...
  15. B

    He isn't like I thought

    God truly loves us. And when you truly love someone, you cannot ever control them. You have to let them be who they are. There is definitely a parental analogy here. Your children can never grow up and learn if you are constantly hovering, whispering in their ear. Likewise, God knows that we'll...