Recent content by Breckmin

  1. B

    Adam ?

    both Lucifer and Adam were perfectly good and perfect in the sense that they were perfectly meant to be (in the state they were) with freewill. Both self-corrupted in different ways. How could Adam be complete without ever knowing how much God loved him? Being completed by a process and being...
  2. B

    I'm struggling with my Christian faith

    Your mother probably meant that you should despise certain things that democrats "believe" but still love them and pray for them. Not everything that the democrats believe is bad... not everything that the republicans do is "good" (by any means)... most Christians choose to vote republican...
  3. B

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    If you really do get to the point where you are answering their questions you will be filling up their forum with the truth via evidential Christian apologetics and they will probably ban you. What you are asking for is impossible. It is the Holy Spirit's job to convert someone... not yours...
  4. B

    Can God make a rock so big He can't lift it?

    If 3 dimensional existence is infinite then God can always move every rock no matter how big and it becomes a nonsense question. Many people don't understand why the question was created. It is because past philosophers such as John Duns Scotus have shown that omnipotence only refers to things...
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    if everyone is somehow "saved" then no one is saved because the word saved loses its meaning. If there is no opposite condition to be saved FROM in eternity... then there is no meaningful salvation... just inevitable fate that everyone reaches. salvation becomes justice rather than "grace" and...
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    there's no "life" in hell... it's obviously existence which is distinct from living, loving, and enjoying life freely. Eternal existence in hell is clearly distinct from eternal life in the new heaven and new earth.
  7. B


    the heresy of universalism has been on the rise and some pastors might not want to stir the pot unless they are there to counter their (annihilationalist or universalist) nonsense.
  8. B

    Does God live inside our observable universe?

    To answer the OP.... yes and no. Yes, God is omnipresent. No, "live inside" could be equivocating IF the universe is infinite. There's no outside an infinite universe so claiming "inside" is irrelevant and meaningless. So that is the big question. Is the universe infinite? I believe it...
  9. B

    Does God live inside our observable universe?

    String theory has so much equivocation... don't be fooled.
  10. B

    Proof God created evil

    1. God created free agents True. 2. Free agents have the potential to do evil, e TRUE, BUT you have to distinguish between potential and ability. You can have abilities that you choose to never use. 3. Potential has a non-zero probability, p, where 0<p<1 Irrelevant. Freewill is a...
  11. B

    Fear of losing salvation

    Perfect LOVE casts out fear. Read Romans 8 at least 3x's and it will begin to help you. Satan wants to rob us of our joy in Christ. God loves those who come to Him on their knees. Believe that the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is great enough to apply to you personally... and that it can...
  12. B

    Was Satan Perfect?

    better an apple than a giant grape which when broken created fermentation and alcohol which corrupted the body/flesh. Why would Eve reach for a clump of grapes? rather than an apple? probably drawn or painted somewhere... Figure 5 I prefer...
  13. B

    Was Satan Perfect?

    The Bible doesn't tell us the detailed reason(s). Some theologians believe that certain angels who loved Lucifer thought it was unfair. Some agree with Muslims that these angels were also jealous of Adam/humans like Lucifer was. Some theologians believe that the angels that fell were under...
  14. B

    Was Satan Perfect?

    Question: "Was Satan a perfect being before he rebelled?" Perfect Yes. Complete? Finalized? No. The angels were only complete after the fall where it is believed that 1/3rd of the angels fell. This is when they observed and experienced consequences which needed to be displayed. Lucifer...
  15. B

    Ask a Christian philosopher a question

    Eternal life vs. eternal death/separation Eternal fellowship and reward(s) vs eternal disfellowship and consequences for exact actions. grace/mercy vs. perfect justice (which is unfathomable for the guilty wicked sinner because of the Perfection of God) Joy vs. despair (from receiving perfect...