Recent content by bradley5201

  1. bradley5201

    persecuted church

    Dear Heavenly Father, We come before you with heavy hearts, mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who are enduring persecution for their faith. Your word tells us that we are one body in Christ, and when one part suffers, every part suffers with it. Today, we lift up the...
  2. bradley5201

    Is there anyone who can patiently teach me about investing?

    Know Your Money Game: First things first, figure out what you're playing for. Are you saving up for a dream vacation, a new car, or retirement? Knowing your goals helps you play the investment game with a purpose. Count Your Chips: Take stock of your current financial situation. How much...
  3. bradley5201

    Dumbest Jokes of All Time

    Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! How do you organize a space party? You planet!
  4. bradley5201

    Arranging a Wedding Without the Father

    wow im sorry to hear that here some things you can consider that may help. I hope it all goes well Understand His Perspective: Begin by having an open and honest conversation with your father. Understand his reasons for not wanting to be involved. It could be due to personal reasons, financial...
  5. bradley5201

    Hello. Pleasure to meet you.

    Hello, oncelostnowfound Grace and peace be unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We are overjoyed to welcome you to our community of believers. As fellow members of the body of Christ, we celebrate your presence and the unique journey you're embarking on in your faith. In...
  6. bradley5201

    What are the requirements for a person to get to heaven?

    wow that a great question and i been listening to this new podcast: the faithful exchange and really help me answer that question according to the bible
  7. bradley5201

    Hey I wanted to introduce myself and my passion that I love which is podcast

    awe wow forreal that awesome i still havent been to the sears building yet im 22 yrs old lol
  8. bradley5201

    Hey I wanted to introduce myself and my passion that I love which is podcast

    Chicago is pretty nice especially downtown is alot nice people and fire scenery
  9. bradley5201

    Pray for success and everything goes well in my life of faith

    it going be about most common question's christian have and going to discover what the bible says about it
  10. bradley5201

    Learning about Christianity

    definitely would recommend to listen to this upcoming podcast: THE FAITHFUL EXCHANGE
  11. bradley5201

    Pray for success and everything goes well in my life of faith

    Gracious Father, I approach you with gratitude for the opportunity to share my podcast with the world. I humbly seek your divine favor and guidance for its success. Bless the words spoken, that they may resonate with listeners' hearts. May the podcast reach those in need of inspiration and...
  12. bradley5201

    what your opinion on the podcast: THE FAITHFUL EXCHANGE

    wow i saw this christian podcast: the faithful exchange i thought it was so amazing and eye-opening what your opinions on it?
  13. bradley5201

    What are the best Podcasts?

    The faithful exchange is a fire one
  14. bradley5201

    What has Jesus done for you?

    The impact of Jesus in my life is profound and multi-faceted. His teachings have not merely shaped my worldview; they've become the very foundation upon which I build my existence. One of the most transformative aspects has been the concept of love and compassion. Through the lens of Jesus'...
  15. bradley5201

    Hey I wanted to introduce myself and my passion that I love which is podcast

    Brand new to this! As a fresh member, I'm here to share my passion for the Word of God through my podcast, "Faithful Exchange My aim is to deepen my understanding of God, reaching as many as possible. Find it on: