Recent content by Bob S

  1. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    I have never written one word that would indicate I believe Sunday replaced the Sabbath. I have always maintained that we are free to worship corporately any day we choose. The new covenant does not command anything about keeping days. We are free from the ritual laws given only to Israel...
  2. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Sorry SB, Jesus lived under the old covenant law, the Sinai covenant. Hi taught the Law. Not one jot or one title would pass from that law until Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins and on that Cross introduced the New and better covenant and ratified it with His blood. He said the Law...
  3. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Of course you wouldn't be guilty of that. It is everyone else according to you.
  4. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Have I ever indicated differently? No, not at all, what we have is your misunderstanding. There was a command by God that His people wear tassels on their garments. That was a Holy, just and good law. Are you wearing tassels? Some holy, just and good laws were for certain people for...
  5. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    I have never said we are not required to obey God's commands. 2Cor3 tells us that the ministry of death called the Ten Commandments as the guide for Israel has been replaced with the Holy Spirit as our guide. What came with Glory now has no glory compared with the indwelling of the Holy...
  6. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    First of all you certainly did make that false information about 2Cor3:verses 7-11. You would do anything to deny the real meaning of those verses. Too bad! I don't have to look up your comment, I remember it and I believe if you were truthful you know it too. 7 Now if the ministry that...
  7. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Tell that to Paul who renamed the Ten Commandments the Ministry of Death.
  8. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    What baffles me is how you determine "God's Commands" as being the ministry of death (ten commandments).
  9. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Was I seeing an imaginary ten commandments in the voting block? Do you not believe the Law mentioned in the old covenant was the ten commandments? If not then please inform me of what you do believe. Actually, you need not mention ten commandments, we all know that is what you are scheming...
  10. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    I don't have a clue as to what you are writing. 2Cor3 is so clear and discredits all you write on the forum. All I have done is to present to you what Paul wrote. You can deny the words God's messenger sent to us, but it sure doesn't give you credibility.
  11. Bob S

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Paul answered part of your question with the verses that followed verse 6. We all know that if you were to answer your own question it would be the ten commandments and Paul called the ten the ministry of death. So, you believe it is the ministry of death that is written on our hearts. How is...
  12. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Bob S said: If you remember God told the Israelites to remain in their dwellings on the Sabbath. [:handpointleft: This is commonly known as taking a text out of context and making it into a pretext.] Are you able to locate where God released them from that rule? There isn't any indication any...
  13. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Kinda reminds me of your answer to 2Cor3:6-11 where Paul in verse 7 (Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was,) was referring...
  14. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Isaiah 58:13 was addressed to only one nation, Israel. It certainly is not addressed to anyone today because the covenant i6t was referring has been done away. On the contrary, sin has nothing to do with not keeping old covenant ritual laws. I guess you have never read the covenant God made...
  15. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Your interpretation of Hebrews is completely wrong. Hebrews is addressing Jews who were already resting on the Sabbath. They certainly didn't need prompting from whomever the writer was. Today doesn't mean Saturday, it means right now Jews can find the real rest. Jesus is the real rest, and...