Recent content by bling

  1. B

    Do believers have goodness apart from God?

    You are specifically addressing people who have the indwelling Holy Spirit and those who do not (yet) have the indwelling Holy Spirit. Prior to Pentecost people could not have the full measure of the indwelling holy Spirit, yet Jesus (Deity) said: Luke 7:47 "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins...
  2. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    After we initially obtain Godly type Love as a result of Luke 7, we can grow that Love by us going forth and using what little Love we do have, start by washing the dishes.
  3. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    We might be spending way too much time trying to provide head knowledge of God, when all the nonbeliever needs, is a trust in a benevolent Creator who just might be willing to help them and a wiliness to humbly accept that help as pure undeserved charity. The nonbeliever just needs enough faith...
  4. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Like all the Letters in the New Testament, Ephesians is written to committed Christians, who have some faith and Love. What I am trying to point out is we do start with a little "faith" which everyone has been gifted, but must obtain Godly type Love by what Jesus taught in Luke 7.
  5. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    The only way I see to initially obtain this “Love” is what Jesus taught us in Luke 7: 36-50 (he that is forgiven much Loves much), so if we humbly accept as pure undeserved charity, God’s forgiving us of the unbelievable huge debt, our sins have created, we will automatically be gifted with an...
  6. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Adam and Eve's sin gave all mature adults the knowledge of good and evil, so now go from one way to sin, to having a ton of ways to sin, we will all sin. It did affect us. That is a good question: 1 Cor. 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a...
  7. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Christianity (being Christlike while on earth) is to make disciples. Disciples are students/learner/ mentees, which does mean they gain knowledge/experience. Loving God and secondly others with our whole being, is not something that can be taught, but it can grow with use. It is not that we sit...
  8. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    We, as sinners, initially do not choose good over evil, that would be a righteous, worthy, honorable and holy action, deserving of something, and as nonbelievers we cannot “do” anything righteous or worthy, As sinners we can some time choose to do different sins. We thus can choose for selfish...
  9. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    I was addressing your comment about knowledge coming from faith and not if knowledge and reasoning can supplement faith. I certainly will not be “blaming” Adam for idols in the past. As I have said: “this messed up world is the very best place for willing individuals to fulfill their earthly...
  10. B

    Why do we receive Grace

    We really need grace, especially when we reach bottom in the pigsty of life.
  11. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    I asked only about the nonbeliever and not what the believer can do with the objective. I went on in my post 28 giving the only thing he can really do.
  12. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    My question was: "How do we get this Love ourself?"
  13. B

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    The OT Law does define work and it is something you cannot do on the Sabbath, so how can Loving be a work?
  14. B

    How to reconcile grace vs maintaining good works/faith

    The idea is God is protecting your salvation against all thieves and conman. Our salvation is in “The Bank of God”, yet it is fully owned by us and we can with draw it from God’s hand, since it is ours, but why might we of our own free will give it up? Eternal Life in heaven is spoken of as our...