Recent content by Big Drew

  1. Big Drew

    Lap Steel Guitar or Gibson Enthusiasts?

    Hey Dave. Interesting story... One of the dumbest things I ever did, that I always regretted, was pawning my dad's old Gibson lap steel when I was 18. At the time, I didn't realize what I had...and then, a few years later, my dad passed away and I just always wished I kept it for sentimental...
  2. Big Drew

    Lap Steel Guitar or Gibson Enthusiasts?

    By chance is there anyone here with any knowledge of lap steel guitars? Or maybe someone that is kind of knowledgeable on all things Gibson?
  3. Big Drew

    Are independent fundamental baptist churches a cult?

    I'd be hesitant of any church that places the scriptures above God in the faith statement...but maybe that's just me......
  4. Big Drew

    Have I lost my salvation?

    That's always been my biggest hangup with OSAS...if it's true then why wouldn't everyone just say a little prayer for "fire insurance?" I think salvation is a lifelong process...not just a one time act.
  5. Big Drew

    The dangers of talking to little kids

    I agree with the others...if you don't know, or barely know the parents it's best to keep your distance...OTOH, you don't want to be rude and hurt the child's you can be polite, say hello on the sidewalk or in the hallway (whatever kind of building you live in.) I would think as...
  6. Big Drew

    Christianity Today on Orthodoxy (Hank Hanegraaff) discussion

    This is what's lead me to consider Orthodoxy...Catholics like to say, "All roads lead to Rome." And well, in a sense that's true...when you look at the various denominations that have sprung up since the reformation, they all either broke away from Rome, or from a church that broke away from...
  7. Big Drew

    How far away is you church fellowhship?

    I've heard that about Minnesota before. I've been part of large churches before...they're okay if you're not wanting to do anything but go and worship...I mean, they have ministries you can get involved in, but it seemed that in the couple I went to, unless you were part of the "in" crowd you...
  8. Big Drew

    An "Apology" from P and P

    Wow...the writer of that article needs Jesus...that's all I've got to say...
  9. Big Drew

    How far away is you church fellowhship?

    That's all gonna depend on your location. Here where I live there are more Baptist churches than any other...the largest congregation here though, is a nondenominational charismatic megachurch that has about 3000 members. But there are well over 100 Baptist churches in a town of about...
  10. Big Drew

    What do these lyrics mean?

    Yessir, he released three or four albums in the 70s and 80s that were heavily influenced by his faith. Probably his most famous song from that time period was, "Gotta Serve Somebody." "Saved" is another one (my personal favorite)...if you like contemporary Christian music, Third Day did an...
  11. Big Drew

    I wasn't going to share this, I was going to keep it private, but, oh, what the hell...

    Sanctification is a continuous process...the process of dying to self. He died so that we may live in Him, and we die so that He may live in us. As we learn to rely on Him more, the easier it becomes to resist the enemy. Although, the enemy will just attack harder, and in other ways, once he...
  12. Big Drew

    What do these lyrics mean?

    I don't think it's mockery...Dylan became born again in the 70s...this song was from the late 80s. Did a little appears that Dylan came to Christ after going to some Hal Lindsey that would confirm the pretibulational message of the song. Looks like Dylan may be...
  13. Big Drew

    What do these lyrics mean?

    At first glance it looks like an end times message. "Time is running backwards, and so is the bride," makes me think of those that will fall away. Almost seems pretribulational...and could be. I know in the 70s Dylan had a born again experience...but I'm not sure what denomination he is...
  14. Big Drew

    Is it Ok to pray for future sins?

    I always think when you get to that part in the Lord's Prayer where it says, "forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us," it's speaking in past, present, and future tense. It doesn't say, "forgive me for when I trespassed."
  15. Big Drew

    Questions on joining the UMC.

    I'm not a member of the UMC, though I did attend a church for a couple of years. The only thing that kept us from joining was a lack of activities for our kids to be involved in, in this particular church. My understanding is that the issue of the Eucharist is left up to interpretation in the...