Recent content by bhayes

  1. B

    will be writing an exam tomorrow I appreciate anyones prayers

    Thank you for your prayers. They are truly appreciated. Praise God.
  2. B

    will be writing an exam tomorrow I appreciate anyones prayers

    I am writing an exma tomorrow please pray for me
  3. B

    103-year-old Illinois woman says 2020 has been the craziest year she’s ever seen

    may she hear the gospel and believe it, may the Lord have mercy upon her
  4. B

    Prayer to be saved from lust

    I have been sinning with lust for a long time now. I repent, please pray for me I need to be saved from it. Ask God to have mercy on me and forgive me and deliver me.
  5. B

    Abortion is wrong

    He already knows our hearts are desperately wicked, if it were a test everyone has failed every single time. All have sinned and fallen short.
  6. B

    Prayers for a 21 year old

    My Pastor sent me this I would like to ask for prayers: "Please keep me in your prayers as I have agreed to visit a family regarding their 21 year old son. Autistic boy, at the age of 12 he was sexually abuse by a boy 2 years old than him, and from that moment on his life got worse and worse...
  7. B

    Prayers for a new believer in the faith

    This is a testimony as much as a prayer request for this new believer. I was on reddit last year sharing the gospel with people on a subreddit for people considering suicide. Anyways, I shared with many many people, but there was no fruit, people would just curse me or say really bad things...
  8. B

    Confession of sins

    I would like to confess my sins, after a few months today I fell and watched porn again.
  9. B

    Prayers for my Christian friend, Kera, who is undergoing persecution

    Please continue to keep her in your prayers and I will keep you updated. Thanks!
  10. B

    Prayers for my Christian friend, Kera, who is undergoing persecution

    Thanks for your prayers. Please keep praying for her, she had to delete her facebook and is not answering her calls anymore.
  11. B

    Prayers for my Christian friend, Kera, who is undergoing persecution

    Hello, there is I think. But it means she would have to go to a refugee camp, and someone would have to sponsor her from there.
  12. B

    Prayers for my Christian friend, Kera, who is undergoing persecution

    Prayers for a Christian friend in a muslim country whos family has found our and is now against her. Her name is Kera.
  13. B

    Abortion is wrong

    One case for abortion is that it is healthcare. But I ask you what part of sexual reproduction: fertilization, implantation, embryonic development and labour; is detrimental to the woman's health? In fact this is normal. If there was anything wrong with fertilization, or implantation, then you...
  14. B

    Please pray for this new Christian

    Her name is olshena. Pray that she would stay strong in the Lord, grow in him, increase in faith, know who she is in Christ, repent of sin, follow Jesus. Pray that she would start studying her bible, and that God who give her more grace, peace and wisdom. Pray that the Lord would bless her also...
  15. B


    Slander is of the devil