Recent content by Basil the Great

  1. B

    Shocker: 72% of Catholics Don’t Go to Sunday Mass?

    While 28% is low, it is much better than the percentage in many of the European countries, where it is even less than 10% in some nations.
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    The "Protestant" Catholics

    Many years ago I had a Catholic poster friend and this situation was discussed on a forum that we shared. His response was that referring to Catholics who reject some of the Church's teachings as defacto Protestants is not helpful. I am not exactly sure what he meant by that reply. I will let...
  3. B

    Repent & be baptized ISN'T the message for the Church today

    I did a quick search. It looks like Augustine may have allowed for Baptism by Desire and Baptism by Blood exceptions for adults or children who had reached the age of accountability.
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    Repent & be baptized ISN'T the message for the Church today

    As I recall, the famous Church father Augustine taught that water Baptism is necessary for salvation, at least for small children, and that the unbaptized babies go to Limbo. I do not know if he made exceptions for Baptism by Desire or Baptism by Blood. For what it is worth, I doubt that...
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    Here’s why Pope Francis is wrong to say Muslims and Catholics worship the same God

    I wonder what Abraham would think today if he were looking down on Earth and seeing how his descendants disagree with one another as to who does and who does not worship his one true God?
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    Why it is so hard to find a non Works salvation church building

    Ok, here we go again, as Reagan pretty much said to Jimmy Carter in the 1980 Presidential Debate...... I will refrain from taking an absolutist position on this matter. I have mixed feelings. Having said that, I would point out to all of you who criticize an emphasis upon repentance and by...
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    Does anyone deserve heaven?

    More than a decade ago a very devout Catholic poster friend on a different forum used the term that someone upon their death "merited Heaven". I believe that he meant by the life that said person had lived, though he did not specify and I did not ask for clarification. I would add that the...
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    I could be wrong, but I did not think that John Paul II was referring to Messianic Jews when he made that statement. I though that he meant Jews who had not accepted Jesus as the Messiah.
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    Since we are suppose to discuss items here from a Catholic perspective, even though of us who are not Catholics, I recall seeing a statement from the Vatican in recent years that said "It is a mystery how the Jews are saved". Taking this statement and putting it together with one that said...
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    Is Christianity basically fear based? I don't get it.

    I do not deny your statement. I am just saying that for decades now there has been a big decrease in the preaching about the dangers of going to Hell. This may not be true among all Christian bodies, but it is certainly true about many of them.
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    Considering the rise in anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S. recently, this thread in quite timely, Michie. I applaud you for posting it. Regarding of where anyone in CF stands on the issue of salvation for the Jews, we must all stand firmly together against anti-Semitism. Sadly, I think most of...
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    I recall reading that one of the Lutheran groups issued a statement of regret a few years back for Luther's anti-Semitic rhetoric.
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    Michie, your words remind me of what Catholic theologian Hans Kung had to say on the same subject. His contention was that the history of Christian anti-Semitism helped to make the Holocaust possible.
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    Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism

    "Pope John Paul II referred to the Jews as "our elder brothers in the faith of Abraham". I will let others interpret what that may or may not mean.