Recent content by AureateDawn

  1. AureateDawn

    Unintentional arousal (Warning - Kind of graphic language)

    I have no idea if it's sinful and needs confessing. You could always talk to your spiritual father about it. But personally I couldn't imagine that being sinful in the least. I am a licensed massage therapist of 3 years, and sometimes it just happens. Rarely, but sometimes. It has happened to me...
  2. AureateDawn

    Bulgarian Orthodox Church withdraws from Pan-Orthodox Council in Crete

    Is there a place where I can follow the events of the Holy Council? I've been waiting for this since I first delved into Orthodoxy, and I'm very interested to see how it progresses. :)
  3. AureateDawn

    Orlando & the West....and my sin.

    One middle aged woman who had beaten cancer twice was there with her son when she was killed. Some of the gays there may have been cruising, but certainly not all. Sleaziness isn't a part of every homosexual's lifestyle. A gay nightclub is more than that. It's a safe space, a place where we can...
  4. AureateDawn

    I finally got it!

    So I posted on Facebook how I loathe being gay. I had a couple of friends on there say that I need to love myself and get counseling. I said that I love myself and my life, and that I am relatively happy - I just hate being a homo (not due to church or society or anything. Just my own...
  5. AureateDawn

    Hog-loving Orthodox Christians - BEWARE ractopamine & zilpaterol!

    Yes. I think it is sad. Though what I believe to be more sad is the fact that I am often apathetic and uncaring despite my knowledge. Perhaps such apathy is more sorrowful than a mere food preference.
  6. AureateDawn

    Meditation on Fornication by Fr. Lawrence Farley

    What an incredible piece. Thank you for sharing! These Orthodox views on sexuality are what I have kept in my life, though I have noticed that it is hard to believe such things regarding sexuality while you're living in the world with worldly ways outside of the Church. No one else really...
  7. AureateDawn

    OT: Share songs you like of any genre of any era! (3)

    I just found the song the other day and I can't stop listening. This song really touches me. Kat Dahlia - Mirror - YouTube
  8. AureateDawn

    Centering prayer

    Thank you for this explanation. It made things clearer to me! However, does this mean that centering prayer, or that general form of meditative type of prayer into a state of being, have a part in the life of an Orthodox Christian? And if so, is there a distinction between it being meditation...
  9. AureateDawn

    "This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret."

    "Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world." This is the message encoded into our DNA that was discovered by Harvard scientists. The article is located here. I wanted to share this, and get opinions from...
  10. AureateDawn

    God is love. Simple. Is this not the central concept of Orthodoxy?

    "God is love." - 1 John 4:16 Would you say that this is the central concept of Orthodox Christianity? In my recent struggles, I have found extremes, including in my own perception and thought processes. Whether Orthodox, pagan, spiritual, whatever - people debate details. This...
  11. AureateDawn

    What is Different about Heaven

    I just read this, and it was so amazing! It touched me immensely and opened my eyes. I wanted to share! Please, do read it. :) What is Different about Heaven Christ is risen! <3
  12. AureateDawn

    How do you understand the portrayal of God in the Old Testament?

    I don't understand this. God explicitly commanded certain things in the OT - sometimes, horrendous things I can't fathom Christ commanding. How does this have anything to do with mere human knowledge (or rather, lack thereof)?
  13. AureateDawn

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    Again, I feel like you're confusing morally wrong with either "sinful" or some other term. Sure, bless meat. Celebrate Christ is risen! It is all very good, and I have no qualm with it. Eat meat and be a part of the Church and I will not judge you. I feel like you're missing how drastically life...