Recent content by Athene

  1. Athene

    Grandma Takes "Funny" Photo Of Infant With Pacifier Duct-Taped To Face

    What an asinine thing to do. Just feeling the rage right now.
  2. Athene

    Don't be that guy

    I'm glad we got that sorted.
  3. Athene

    Don't be that guy

    Yes that is true. I was responding to Cadans post however, which depicts two people who felt that some people are undeserving of Gods blessings and grace.
  4. Athene

    A video with Justin Welby -- Great watch!

    Welby has a very dry sense of humour. It's a great interview.
  5. Athene

    These tomatoes!

    I had some vine tomatoes today, they were really nice. I roasted them and put cheese on top - just because.
  6. Athene

    Don't be that guy

    Gods ways are not our ways.
  7. Athene

    Americans Got $2 Trillion in Benefits from Federal Government in 2013

    Hah, I rather thought that would be the case. People do that with UK benefit figures ''LOOK AT THIS ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY' THAT IS BEING PAID OUT IN WELFARE', but most of that is pensions to people who have been paying in to the pot for their working lives.
  8. Athene

    How Rampant Do You Think Mental Disease Is On These Forums?

    I'm confused by your terminology, are you talking about mental illness like depression or OCD? Or are you talking about mental disabilities which result in learning difficulties?
  9. Athene

    Obese people and motorized shopping carts in America

    That's because they're all dead :cry:
  10. Athene

    Americans Got $2 Trillion in Benefits from Federal Government in 2013

    What's that as a percentage of GDP?
  11. Athene


    I like how you dial up the snark in response to Mike's criticism of your post, while trying to use his post as an example of feminists not taking criticism well. Please tell me more about how feminists are unreasonable and illogical.
  12. Athene

    Obese people and motorized shopping carts in America

    I didn't realise that there were people who still used the word handicapped to describe those with physical disabilities. The carts are for people with limited mobility, a very obese person could very well have limited mobility. Stop judging people.
  13. Athene


    If you and your husband swapped roles, would it affect the way you reflect the image of God?
  14. Athene

    Excuse Chart

    Historically, women were always seen as the ones with the higher sex drive. I wonder when that all changed ... Women are physically wired to want sex frequently, possibly even more frequently than men according to the most recent studies on the subject. Loss of libido is usually down to...