Recent content by Ana the Ist

  1. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    I know that a lot of the people on the left that adopted a lot of the woke beliefs don't understand statistics....right? Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to get them to accept much of what they now believe as true. Your statement above essentially proves this point. We do know the...
  2. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    The relative novelty of DEI far as I can tell....informal implementation in universities as far back as 10-15 years ago and not at all uncommon. The formal implementation (by federal diktat) is certainly newer....but it really all depends upon when the medical school adopted the whole...
  3. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    The best medical advice available has concluded that the research on transitioning treatments for children is of such poor quality that the practice should end immediately. The best medical research indicates puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy....are sterilizing children and...
  4. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Well that's not an answer to the question I asked. You think that doctors should believe anorexics who claim they are fat? Do you think they should believe schizophrenics who claim the CIA is transmitting negative thoughts into their minds? Do you think they should believe people suffering...
  5. Ana the Ist

    It would seem as if concerns about RFK have flipped again...

    Agreed. Trump should make one saying.... RFK and ALEX JONES... Keeping the water from turning your children and frogs gay!
  6. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    And now that Europe is increasingly abandoning gender affirming care... do you think the US should "catch up" to our European counterparts? You're still talking about being transgender as if it's a mental "condition" illness to be treated. Is that what you think it is? Is it possible...
  7. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    And that's in spite of the fact that they clearly believe it's a mental illness as well. Statements about suffering and cruelty and the need for treatment all indicate this is a mental illness in even the minds of those who advocate letting the inmates run the asylum. And it's obvious to me...
  8. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Actually they are. I used to make the same point back in the day....because we didn't have any data on sexual orientation in the census and therefore the accusation that the lgbtq community was more inclined to sexually assault children wasn't backed up by any data. However, now that we do...
  9. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    It's a bit odd to see historical revisionism of days you were alive and can recall....isn't it? The closest thing that I can think of to "speech tyranny" that one could argue Christians were engaging in was wayyy back under Obama when gay marriage was decided upon by the SCOTUS and some...
  10. Ana the Ist

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    This is hilarious. I decided to do a quick search for the war on Christmas and after you ignore the attempt to derail this thread with it....guess who was bringing it up on a different thread? That's right....same guy complaining about how Christians keep bringing it up.
  11. Ana the Ist

    Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

    Much appreciated. I don't pretend to be Mr Quality Advice, but some people are inclined to share certain troubles with someone anonymous instead of someone close. I appreciate that. You do know how much I love clarity. :clap::clap:
  12. Ana the Ist

    Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

    Got over a bout of bronchitis and now enjoying a little paid vacation....birthday coming up soon. I can't complain. If you want to discuss the setbacks for a sympathetic ear or spitball solutions, my PMs are open. As someone less moral than yourself, I won't judge.
  13. Ana the Ist

    Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

    Executive decisions? There's limitations to his rights to be sure if that's what you're asking. If he took down the flag and flew a nazi flag or even a Christian flag (if such a thing exists) of some sort I'm sure he could be told to take it down and there wouldn't be anything wrong on the...