Recent content by AmericanChristian91

  1. A

    Adam and Eve..

    I believe it is a mistake to view the Adam and Eve story as "either or". Either everything in the story is historically accurate or if it's not all historical, then it's just false/lies, with no truth to learn from the story. Some Christians hold like yourself that Adam and Eve existed and no...
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    The Passover.

    I don't think he did either. While this may seem like heresy to many people on this forum, the exodus story is seen by many to not be a super historically accurate story (including from biblical scholars) God killing children makes sense in the context of the story and the time/audience it was...
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    Universalism...why not?

    Yes and No. Their are various forms of Universalism. One being that Gods saves all regardless of their beliefs. But the title doesn't need to be changed, because this topic is about Christian universalism, aka Universal Reconciliation. Universal reconciliation - Wikipedia
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    Do you have to be a creationist to be a true Christian?

    That's like saying..... "How can someone believe that God is all - powerful but took 6 days to do what is possible in 6 minutes or less" What im trying to get at, is that for God since he is all powerful, he could have created everything in 1 second. Its not like he is restricted to just 6...
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    Do you have to be a creationist to be a true Christian?

    I don't think they did. But its true that when someone becomes a christian, they still have to deal with human issues. One of those issues isn't having all knowledge. Im sure you are aware that there are various differences of beliefs within the Christian World. So it's not be surprising for...
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    Do you have to be a creationist to be a true Christian?

    One does need to be a creationist in the sense believing that God created the universe. But you don't need to view the book of Genesis as being accurate 100% to our modern understanding of history and science. Even if your view of Genesis turns out to be wrong, God is merciful and your still a...
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    What controversial beliefs do you hold?

    Sounds like you do belief in a variation of universalism. Universal reconciliation - Wikipedia Basically Hell is not a permanent place and all eventually accept Christ and are saved. For me, I think their is a possibility that are all saved through Jesus, but im not 100% certain so I couldn't...
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    How do we explain Neanderthals?

    Here is orthodox that accepts the ToE. But on another matter im curious about. For those that oppose evolution, if you were hypothetically convinced it was true, how would that effect your Christianity?
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    Christianity... and the fact of evolution

    I personally don't see evolution as a threat to our faith. Does the facts that we are a creation loved by God with a soul and a unique connection to him, that we fell and commit sin every day, that God loves us even though we sin, that he sent Jesus to save us from our depravity so we could...
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    The Qur'an and being a Muslim

    Are you sure that is what the Qur'an says? Because last time I checked the interpretation of the Quar'an that terrorists hold that makes them believe killing non-muslims is doing God's will, is not held as the general view in the muslim world. I think you are misinterpreting the passages that...
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    Pope Francis was wrong to equate Islamic terror with "Catholic violence"

    And who are those verses directed at? Simply those who aren't muslims? Or a more specific group of people? Context is important. Radicals take verses like that to support violence against non-muslims (and even other muslims who they don't see as real ones). But does that mean they are...
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    Pope Francis was wrong to equate Islamic terror with "Catholic violence"

    I just see it as him saying that both religions have a history of some of its followers committing evil and justifying it with their beliefs. And that is true. Sure its hard to see a violent side to Catholicism now in our world, but for people in the crusades, or a Cathar, or a native...
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    Pope Francis was wrong to equate Islamic terror with "Catholic violence"

    There was a time in which Christianity was far more into the political realm then it is today, who's followers were sometimes against different views/thought from being expressed. Christian Theocracy was far more common. There would be christian places who would not be tolerant of other...
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    Pope Francis was wrong to equate Islamic terror with "Catholic violence"

    I agree we should not ignore the fact that most terrorists identify with the muslim faith, but also remembering the fact that many have died in the past from people using Christianity to justify it is also important. It is important because it means that the issue of terrorism that has sprung...