Recent content by aggregate

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    Mark Cuban comments on possible presidential run and the economy

    if the stock market is up in november, trump may win, If it's down he'll lose-and he'll borrow any amount of money to prop it up by then. It's already up 25% in a month, despite massive unemployment, businesses failing etc, a debt that forces interest rates kept near zero to avoid default etc
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    Human Trafficking; Be part of the solution, not part of the problem

    I agree that porn is massively harmful to individuals and society-the evidence for that is very apparent. I still cannot blame amazon,visa, or google for problems with porn, and sex trafficking. If someone uses their car to kidnap some vulnerable person,they can't later say it was partially...
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    GOP congressman says letting more Americans die of coronavirus is lesser of two evils compared to ec

    I'm saying the money just is not there for the safety net-obviously there are many in dire straits right now-many who were always just barely getting by, but also many who lived beyond their means and now and looking to those who played fair to bail them out, again. A lot of americans...
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    Human Trafficking; Be part of the solution, not part of the problem

    "They (google) view our liberties as more important than the lives of those young girls and boys that are slaves to the sex trade, and kidnapped." they correctly IMO believe they don't get to determine what people can or can't view/research etc online. It's likely that those types of searches do...
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    Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

    given the choice 1-country does well and the president gets much of the credit or 2 country does poorly and the president is blamed too many people today choose #2
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    GOP congressman says letting more Americans die of coronavirus is lesser of two evils compared to ec

    there's no safety net because people play the system, don;t pay their fair share- with the "gig economy" it's much easier to cheat on taxes. Many strippers, for example, make $100000+ annually and declare income of less than $20000. Now the trillions spent just end up ensuring that when the debt...
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    30 million in illegal drugs seized in border tunnel San Diego

    drug war is a scam-complete waste of time and money-open borders threatens everyone-is a much more worthwhile cause to shut down-drugs affect only a minority most of whom make the choice on their own to use
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    Human Trafficking; Be part of the solution, not part of the problem

    you have no way of knowing who I work for etc, obviously. Common sense though, would indicate that there would be far more lucrative places for a porn recruiter to search for new people than a christian site where presumably a higher than average percentage of posters are actually christian, and...
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    Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

    trump said he wasn;t slow in responding. I agree with that. I started a contract on a cruise the beginning of march-at that time, the threat was considered very low. Within 2 weeks the threat skyrocketed and the 6 month cruise was cancelled, everyone sent home. Easy to criticize now-hindsight is...
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    GOP congressman says letting more Americans die of coronavirus is lesser of two evils compared to ec

    so far around 30000 dead in the USA. So far around $2.5 trillion added to the debt due to the virus. That's spending approx $85million per death. Does that seem at all reasonable?
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    works based salvation

    thank you-will read this tomorrow and respond
  12. A

    How Could God allow this?

    there are many things about God we'll never understand Why does God allow evil? Why create people knowing the majority will end up in hell? Why not answer Job directly, rather than pointing out how limited his mind is compared to God? If God doesn;t want anyone to perish, why make the bible...
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    Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing

    my original comment was that the media hates trump- that still seems obvious to me- trump spins, exaggerates and lies, as do all politicians- to me that is as obvious as the media's hatred of trump and desire to sway public opinion against him
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    works based salvation

    thank you for that reply-I hope you're right
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    works based salvation

    of course it does. You are either saved by works or faith. this verse, among others, seems to indicate that works are the dividing line between heaven and hell- there's no mention whatsoever about faith, or jesus in there