Recent content by AG_BIC96

  1. A

    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    Good luck on your search though I hope you find Christ like I did brother(or sister) would love to see it.
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I agree science is always evolving so we have to be willing to change our thinking as the evidence changes. However don’t be naive of people within the scientific community having an agenda and tampering with the science that’s all I’m going to say. Don’t trust every idea purported by science...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I was agnostic I’m aware there is a possibility for people to be unsure or uncommitted. I’m talking more to the people who claim to be skeptics and have no preexisting opinion or belief but in all actuality have made up their minds and are just identifying as skeptics when they’ve already taken...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    God Bless you too Brother we will keep in touch. We have to keep working and applying not the knowledge of the world but teaching people with the knowledge and logic of God to illuminate this darkness because the devil has a lot of people, feeling, confused afraid and lost. They need more people...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I don’t do this for my health I give up the energy to bring glory and honor to God because he’s trying to reach as many people as possible and wants them with Him. I think that’s what some of the people in the comments are confused about like why I’m being so intense about it.
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    Well you’re not an idiot you’re a rational individual with the heart of God. And we can have a keen interest in science but the aim is not to idolize it because it’s a creation God made it. Atleast give credit to the creator he deserves all the credit. Our treasures should be stored in heaven...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    And by science I’m not referring to observable absolute truths such as small scale mutations but I’m referring to scientific theories such as macro evolution which still have yet to be proven as absolute truth. I think I need to make that clear distinction and clarify. There are certain things...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    As I said and will reiterate science is something you have faith in because it is not always proven as factual yet people still believe in and put their trust in science. It is not absolute truth as there are ongoing studies and it often proves itself wrong. I’m not going to continue debating...
  9. A

    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I think that is often the intent of science although it’s not explicitly expressed out loud. I find it often to be biased and the people quite unreasonable at times. If you find the opposite then that’s your opinion but it’s not factual.
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    Well if you feel offended by anything I stated you have the free will to ignore my commentary. I’m not forcing my ideas on you but you asked so I just present it how I see it.
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    Other branches of Christianity? Do you mean denominations what does that even mean? I’m sharing my personal conviction and understanding of this subject make of it what you will. As I told the other person I don’t need to validate other people’s religions because according to the Bible they are...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I’m not obligated to debate with anyone. I know who my God is and I have full trust in him just as you have your trust and allegiance to science, so it’s all good. There is no sense in debating if it will just lead to quarreling and further misunderstandings if you can’t or won’t understand...
  13. A

    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that you believe in a creator God and that science is not in direct opposition with that belief? If that’s the case then I don’t have much to say to you. I can’t speak on something I no longer subscribe to. If you believe in the...
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    Testing Out My Writing Please Have A Look

    Who do you believe more the creator of the universe or man who is flawed with limited understanding due to his human nature. I reasoned with that and I chose to me what made more logical sense.