Recent content by Aaron112

  1. Aaron112

    Another look at the moon landing.

    No. Scripture clearly states, God's Word, that most earthlings serve the devil, the flesh, and are slaves of sin. So regardless of what they believe, living in the flesh carnal, believing lies , they are lost.
  2. Aaron112

    Doctrines of Demons

    It may be best to limit discussion of false doctines, false teachings, and false gospels to those that have deceived people in both true and false assemblies. All of the many other things taught throughout the world that are false are practically without number because the world lies in the...
  3. Aaron112

    Another look at the moon landing.

    What happens to anyone in the world who trusts flesh instead of Jesus? Or science instead of God? Regardless where they are ?
  4. Aaron112

    Another look at the moon landing.

    THe image would not have been put up in the homes of followers of Jesus.... Another question from the title "Another look at the moon landing"..... Is there a picture or diagram or description of the moon itself actually "landing" anywhere, ever ? :)
  5. Aaron112

    Absolute proof.. can't deny.. the earth is flat

    hmmmm.... looking for , in, from, or in the flesh does not help reality at all. Jesus said about a lot having eyes but not seeing; having ears, but not hearing..... No matter what a person believes, we live in a corrupt society, wicked world, deceitful science and religion and...
  6. Aaron112

    Absolute proof.. can't deny.. the earth is flat

    It might be the only thing gotten from this: People with fish eyes live on a round earth (they think); People with normal eyes live on a flat earth (they think). The proof ? Key Sarah Sarah, whatever will be believed, will be........
  7. Aaron112

    If you think that Noah's flood was global and wish to wager on it,

    Keep pretending. Under pressure unable to accept truth, or no pressure?; but not repenting. Months ago some or many addressed you anti-Scripture posts. Results: nada..
  8. Aaron112

    Which denomination is the right one?

    I just noticed you stand with Israel also. Anyway, it seems for now I agree with you. Not only that, but as you posted , being in a false (or any) church cannot make a person good. As Jesus Says: "If you(pl/crowd) do not all /each/ repent (some out of sin,turn to God) , then you...
  9. Aaron112

    If you think that Noah's flood was global and wish to wager on it,

    It seems, according to your own posts, and you don't realize you have been tricked into believing false teachings.
  10. Aaron112

    If you think that Noah's flood was global and wish to wager on it,

    Psalm 19 at least is truth. Stop posting what is not from God if you do actually listen to Him. Historically, too many ideas posted are not from Him, nor from His Word, nor even possibly true.
  11. Aaron112

    Which denomination is the right one?

    If sinner does not repent, if sinner remains in a harmful church, and asks for mercy, can God grant him mercy? or forgiveness? Maybe not. If sinner is not repenting in truth, not getting rid of sin, not turning away from sin, they have not forgiveness because they are not turning to...
  12. Aaron112

    If you think that Noah's flood was global and wish to wager on it,

    I meant science, being worldly, of the flesh, of the world, necessarily does contradict the Bible. edit in: as you just proved in the post 143. They trust science, which is falsely called knowledge, yet is leading to destruction; which they willingly follow --- the Voice of science...
  13. Aaron112

    Baptists (and others)-- Wives submit to husbands? Wives and husbands equal partners?

    Rather, His Sheep Hear His Voice and Follow Him. Other sheep, or those who listen to other voices, do not follow Him. His Sheep will not follow another voice.