Recent content by 567234ta

  1. 5

    My Friend Jamie's Video Testimony

    wow very powerful testimony. I would like to hear more of the details of the actual experience he went thru in that moment. He said he was "made new", i know there is more to it he didn't actually go into. I posted this video on my blog to get more views for him. testimoniesofchristians*com
  2. 5

    Free Web Hosting?

    no prob just let me know. you are probably thinking about a forum right?
  3. 5

    Free Web Hosting?

    i have a dedicated server i host a few sites on. i would be willing to let you have some free space and bandwidth. you would have to purchase a domain name from a place like godaddy though.
  4. 5

    Is it considered normal for a church to take out a loan?

    i would apply that to buying a house also but only on myself. I got into a situation where everything seemed great. bought a house for 135k put 35k down, had about 65k in savings. I put quite a bit of money in the house hoping for a good return on it. 911 happened and everything went down hill...
  5. 5

    Downloading music and copying CD/DVDs

    The laws that matter most here are the laws of God, not of the state or federal government. There is no law against me getting drunk in my own home so says the state, but we must adhere to the higher laws which are that of morality. By even asking this question knowing it is illegal is a...
  6. 5

    Is it considered normal for a church to take out a loan?

    It just seems like a bad idea to stretch the finances to a point that if they don't collect enough from the members they may lose the building. i have seen situations like this before and the building goes up for sale. i was raised to save up for something before i bought it. The donations from...
  7. 5

    Wrong E-mail Address

    That's a great one:D
  8. 5

    Is it considered normal for a church to take out a loan?

    It just doesn't seem like a good idea to me, is this common practice? I know of a church that is planning a huge building and trying to get a loan from a bank to do it.
  9. 5

    God knows!

    what was the item?
  10. 5

    Left a church - got skewered

    not sure how you tolerated it. seriously i would have asked her to leave after 10 seconds of her tirade. if she tries to contact you again call the cops on her. If anyone ever disrespects my wife they will be dealing with me in an old testament way.
  11. 5

    MYSPACE: Sexual/Dating Ad Petition

    flashblock is also a nice FF add on
  12. 5

    Zero Wipe Entire HD -- Help

    diskwipe would do it, i tested this program with a full 35 passes and than tried to recover anything i could using getdataback for NTFS. i ran getdataback before the wipe and recovered every file and picture that was on the HD after it had been formatted and windows 7 installed on it. after the...
  13. 5

    i really believe that Jesus is real

    I have had doubts of the miracles and many things just because of the bible and the inconsistencies with it. just an example- if the messiah was born and was known to be that, and the three kings, you know the story, why for 30 some years would there be no record of his life? people would have...
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    one of the most common ways to take stuff like that is to think maybe i am psychic or something, maybe i can tell the future, from experience i can tell you that each person has no special abilities, it is Gods power, telling you i know your future, Ive already been there, trust him. Not that...
  15. 5

    Where are the miracles???

    LOL thats usually answering a prayer for someone who has been praying for money so they can sell it on ebay. I think its a miracle that God still loves us despite our lifestyles that reflect his non existence.