Recent content by 3 Resurrections

  1. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    The 144,000 were also called "the First-fruits" in Revelation 14:4. Regardless of how you interpret this numbered amount, it is obvious that it involves more than one person, and that none of the 144,000 are Christ. The 144,000 First-fruits stood with the Lamb (with "Christ the First-fruits")...
  2. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    Bad translation here. The word "first" does not modify the phrase "rise from the dead". It applies to Christ being the first to proclaim light to both the Jewish people AND to the Gentiles by the means of His resurrection. " that the Christ must suffer, and how that he first by the...
  3. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    This is wrong. Revelation 20:11-15 doesn't bring up the term "immortality" at all. The status of immortality and incorruptibility is given when the dead are raised to life again. As in 1 Cor. 15:52-54 when the dead are "RAISED incorruptible", and when the mortal "puts on immortality"...
  4. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    Any individuals resurrected in the OT and the NT ascended into heaven long ago. The mere fact that they were resurrected to life again is evidence that they were in glorified body forms. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to restore the departed human spirit back into those lifeless human...
  5. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    The relevance in discussing Lazarus as well as the 144,000 First-fruits is in the fact that all of these shared in the same type of bodily resurrection into a glorified, immortal and incorruptible body during those first-century days. Scripture tells us when resurrected people were first...
  6. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    No, that was more than Lazarus just being restored to mortal life. Christ told Martha that if she believed, she would see the "glory of God" (John 11:40) on display. What kind of "glory of God" is displayed in merely restoring a man to a body form which is still dying and subject to...
  7. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    I speak generically when referring to a pulpit. Personally, I believe the use of this piece of furniture in an assembly of believers should be discarded. I believe Christ's idea of how a church should function would be better served with a coffee table surrounded by chairs.
  8. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Hmmm, how could I possibly "force" anyone to believe anything I write here on the forum? We all are firmly convinced of our viewpoints, or we wouldn't all be posting here. You are convinced of your own position. I am equally convinced that scripture tells me otherwise on this point of Lazarus...
  9. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    The "collective Orthodoxy" is not a superior authority to be depended upon more than the contributions of each individual believer on this forum. Didn't Paul write that it was the ordinary members of the assemblies who were going to be given the honor of judging angels? How much more the...
  10. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    NO, it doesn't teach that. Scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:23 speaks of two group resurrection events at least: "Christ the First-fruits", and THEN "AFTERWARD" they that are Christ's at His coming". The very reason we have scripture in Revelation 20:5 speaking of "The FIRST resurrection" means...
  11. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    That is the very issue that I am speaking about. This same mindset when applied to swallowing whatever you are fed from the pulpit without question is a dangerous practice. If you don't "bother" to do your own personal research into the scriptures, you are likely to fall for anything that is...
  12. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    You are in error when you state that Revelation 20:6 speaks of an individual person dying twice. It never says anything about people dying twice. It just says that those from the "First resurrection" wouldn't be "hurt" by the second death. Revelation 20:14 defines what the "Second Death"...
  13. 3 Resurrections

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    This is just one church tradition theory of what happened to Lazarus. There are other theories which locate Lazarus in different locations. None of these traditional theories matter when compared to what the scriptures tell us about the resurrected state for believers. It is ONCE ONLY that...
  14. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    Luke 20:35-36 says absolutely nothing about the subject of the millennium. You are shoe-horning that topic into those verses. And again, there is absolutely no mention in Revelation 20:4 about resurrected saints dying twice.
  15. 3 Resurrections

    Who are the 144,000

    Yes, Lazarus eventually ascended to heaven, with all the rest of the resurrected ones. Revelation 15:8 tells us when mankind could ascend to heaven's temple for the first time, and it was at the end of the seven plagues which were poured out in those "days of vengeance" coming for those in Judea.