Did Men Really Walk On The Moon?

  • Yes

    Votes: 87 84.5%
  • No. But all other space missions are real.

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • No. And other space missions are fake too.

    Votes: 14 13.6%

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The Liturgist

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Nov 26, 2019
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I mentioned the computer on the SR-71 and you talked about memory. I don't remember the amount of memory there was on that onboard SEL computer, but it wasn't much compared to my cell phone.

Yet, when the pilot switched on the computer right after the first refuel (which happened as soon as they'd safely launched), the SEL controlled every aspect of the aircraft operation. And it was all running from a big magnetic tape in the airplane, each operation in sequence on the tape.

During the Carter Administration, we had to send each mission plan to the White House for approval prior to launch. For standard missions, we could plan them and send them a couple of weeks in advance. But sometimes we had emergency missions in which we had only a few days to plan and launch. But we still had to send the plan to the White House for approval. Frequently, the White House would want some parameter changed. Maybe fly a couple of miles further from that contested border. Maybe angle the approach so it didn't look so provocative. Maybe spend a bit less time in the "sensitive area."

After making a change to something in the mission plan program, we needed to check the entire program again because sometimes making a change introduced what we called a "spurious input." We'd change one thing but somehow something unintended got changed somewhere else in the program. That might be where an instruction to make a 90-degree right bank got unintendedly changed to a 270-degree right bank, or an altitude correction that was supposed to be 80,000 feet missed a zero. So, we had to go through the entire program tape again. Here is the catch: It took the same amount of time to review the program tape as the mission itself would take. So, if it was an eight-hour mission (the average...they'd range from six to twelve hours), it would take eight hours to review the tape for spurious inputs.

The Carter Administration sometimes delayed so long giving us a change order that we didn't have time to review the tape before launch. So, as the crew came out of their mandatory pre-mission crew rest, we'd have to brief them, "You remember that mission you studied before you went to sleep? Well, it changed while you were sleeping. And we also didn't have time to check the tape. So...while you're up there doing MACH 3, just be ready for the plane to do anything at any moment." Those were eye-bulging, white-knuckle flights.

Most often, the spurious input wasn't serious. Maybe it would just skip an airspeed check or fail to turn a camera on or off (which would be corrected by the subsequent camera command sequence). But if a spurious input was serious, the crew would have to turn off the computer and abort the mission. When the SEL went bad, turning off the computer meant going home.

I remember the first mission we flew after the Reagan Administration came into office. We sent them the mission plan as usual. The days ticked by until we started to get antsy, so I called my contact in DC to see if he could inquire about the delay. A few hours later, he called me back: "The White House said you can go ahead and fly the mission if you want to."

I said, "'If we want to?' What does that mean?"

Essentially, as far as Reagan was concerned, if the overall mission program already had White House approval, he didn't expect us to get his permission for each one. That instantly made my life easier.

Did you ever experience the dreaded “engine unstart” out of curiosity? I was saddened recently when Major Brian Schul of the Speed Check fame reposed, memory eternal.
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The Liturgist

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Nov 26, 2019
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Scripture was written by men who wore the goggles of their time.

That is certainly valid. However, I do not believe it contradicts anything of interest to us in terms of science and aviation. I also quite like the poetics of Outer Space as the Heavens. Also, admittedly its a stretch, but perhaps the text used to support the erroneous idea of a Firmament refers to the Termination Shock in the outer solar system.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Did you ever experience the dreaded “engine unstart” out of curiosity? I was saddened recently when Major Brian Schul of the Speed Check fame reposed, memory eternal.
Unstarts were fearsome because they could very quickly break the plane apart and they were relatively common.

Most of the "Sled" pilots of my day had begun their careers in the F-4. One pilot told me that many of problems he experienced in the Sled were the same he'd experienced in the F-4...except that in the F-4 he had two or three minutes to correct the problem, whereas in the SR-71 he had only seconds.
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Michael Snow

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Sep 24, 2015
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The Apollo missions were the only time people have ever gone beyond low earth orbit. The other space missions would be Mars rovers, Voyager, etc.

I am not a flat-earther but I don't believe man has walked on the moon. Sure I grew up believing it. But I saw a documentary which got me curious. Bill Kaysing was a rocket engineer for Rocketdyne. He engineered the Saturn rockets for the moon missions. He explained the technical reasons why sending men to the moon in 1969 was impossible. Keep in mind this is the very guy who designed the Saturn rockets, the same "lost technology" as NASA claims. They don't have the tech because they never had it. Kaysing died and NASA claims no man alive today can remake the Saturn rockets. Kaysing said they never went to the moon. They crashed into the ocean. Any supposed signals from the Apollo crew from the moon, were really just beamed up to the moon from Earth, and bounced back to Earth. Hence the many amateur claims of "I got signals of Apollo coming from the moon!"

But Kaysing's book is the tip of the iceberg. Many other whistleblowers came forward. Bart Sibrel, a filmaker, has released some interesting videos, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon", "Astronauts Gone Wild", and a book, "Moon Man". David Percy, a photographer, along with others, also made a documentary showing why the footage was fake. "Nasa Mooned America" is another book by Ralph Rene, an inventor of some of the technology used by NASA.

I've seen enough evidence by now to say with confidence no man can go above low earth orbit and survive. Russia learned this when all the animals they sent into space, died. I've seen Apollo photos with wires, overhead lights, framing of a building, shots cropped into photos, an astronaut with his glove off and bare hand exposed, foreground/background cut lines, repeated use of backdrops at supposedly different locations, reflections of stagehands in astronaut helmets, shadows at almost 90' angles a few feet apart (proof of stage lighting), and more. Thousands of photos were taken and it takes a long time to search them all. Sometimes, someone finds something NASA forgot to edit out.

NASA claims to have "accidently" taped over the original footage from the 1st lunar landing. Whoops. What a shame. All we have now are digitally altered "remasters". Hmm. Why is that? I encourage anyone to do their own research.

In my opinion, there are 3 possibilities:
  1. Man did not go to the moon.
  2. Man went to the moon.
  3. Nothing, man or machine, has been to the moon.
Take your pick. But I firmly believe #2 is not true.
You deny the veracity of God's word? Faithful Witnesses: The Resurrection, and The Moon Landings
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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You'd be surprised what has been lost. Nobody is going to comb through reams of old computer printouts. They'll just do it all over again from scratch. The past only proves that it's possible, not the way to do it again.
The thing is.... In technology, you don't "lose" it. Things learned and applied by engineers become standard functions, components, principals, concepts and applications.
We would not have to "re-learn" the concept of boiling water for coffee.... or chains to drive sprockets for turning wheels and other gears.

We don't have to re-invent the wheel because we lost our wheels.

The things that would have been learned during the "space race" cannot be lost.

The truth is that the ability to go into space, land on the moon, return...... was never a reality.

We can't do it now because we couldn't do it then. It's not because we fogot how.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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The thing is.... In technology, you don't "lose" it. Things learned and applied by engineers become standard functions, components, principals, concepts and applications.
We would not have to "re-learn" the concept of boiling water for coffee.... or chains to drive sprockets for turning wheels and other gears.

We don't have to re-invent the wheel because we lost our wheels.

The things that would have been learned during the "space race" cannot be lost.

The truth is that the ability to go into space, land on the moon, return...... was never a reality.

We can't do it now because we couldn't do it then. It's not because we fogot how.
Yeah, we actually do lose some things.

We remember that we knew them, and we can track our way back to them again. But the specific way things were done before can, indeed, be lost. In many cases, it's because we've discarded the tools we used before. That particular technology is gone, and the technology is not there until it's re-invented by other means.

People were driving electric vehicles 100 years ago. Notice that no electric vehicle today is a direct technological descendant of any of those vehicles. We didn't evolve that technology or even resurrect it. We re-invented electrical vehicle technology. Heck, it took a nearly decade in the 70s for us to figure out how to make toilets that flush properly with less than five gallons of water.
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Still I don't believe these godly men would be lying about it. If it were like you say there's no way they'd seek a stage and have as part of their testimony that they walked on the Moon. They'd veer away from public stages all together.
They didn't have a choice. It was mandatory for them to be on the public stage.

Can you imagine how excited you would be to be the first three men to make that journey? Look at athletes winning the super bowl, getting a hole in one, the Stanley cup, winning on "The Price is Right".....LOL.

Then look at these three men in their interview after they came back. Looks to me like three men being told to lie about going to the moon.

These three men of great intelligence probably thought it was going to be real. What an insult to them to fake it and then make them lie.

Have that in mind when you watch this:

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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Yeah, we actually do lose some things.

We remember that we knew them, and we can track our way back to them again. But the specific way things were done before can, indeed, be lost. In many cases, it's because we've discarded the tools we used before. That particular technology is gone, and the technology is not there until it's re-invented by other means.
I, respectfully disagree.

The only time technology is "forgotten" is when we develop new and better technology.

Nobody is taught, that I know of, how to make a radio with vacuum tubes. It's a waist of time to do so... due to the simple fact that we have solid state circuit boards that are much better..... and we have moved on to digital transmitting and encrypting..... We haven't lost the technology to make, and utilize vacuum tubes... it's just obsolete.

People were driving electric vehicles 100 years ago. Notice that no electric vehicle today is a direct technological descendant of any of those vehicles.

Yep, it was inferior technology. Why would you use it.... But, at the same time... if we wanted to use that old technology... we could. It's not lost.
We didn't evolve that technology or even resurrect it. We re-invented electrical vehicle technology. Heck, it took a nearly decade in the 70s for us to figure out how to make toilets that flush properly with less than five gallons of water.
A lot, if not all successful technology is successful due to one simple fact.... It made someone money.

Other technology did not make it because it was "NOT" going to make someone money.

Tesla had a way to give everyone free electricity. They burned down his lab to stop it from being brought to the public.

Near my hometown there was a cement factory. It made concrete that was far superior to any other, even today. Cement from 1904 still tests better, after more than 100 years than cement poured today.
However, a bigger cement company bought the patent to the recipe and shredded it so that nobody could make such permanent concrete.
That was because the superior concrete would never need to be fixed, repaired or replaced.... No planned obsolescence.... no future work... no future money.

So, technology lives or dies based on who and how they can make or lose money.

NASA is making billions of dollars a year telling the public that they are trying to "redevelop" technology that they developed with slide rules, pencils, erasers, compasses, protractors and drafting tables.

If you ever come down with a cold or end up house bound for days.... watch "Everything is a rich man's trick"..... It's all about the Benjamin's baby.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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They didn't have a choice. It was mandatory for them to be on the public stage.

Can you imagine how excited you would be to be the first three men to make that journey? Look at athletes winning the super bowl, getting a hole in one, the Stanley cup, winning on "The Price is Right".....LOL.

Then look at these three men in their interview after they came back. Looks to me like three men being told to lie about going to the moon.

These three men of great intelligence probably thought it was going to be real. What an insult to them to fake it and then make them lie.

Have that in mind when you watch this:
We had one SR-71 mission back in the early 80s on which the plane was flying south along the E/W German border, looking eastward into East Germany. It made the turn eastward along the southern border of East Germany, and then was supposed to make a big 180 turn to the west. The pilot's readout showed him what the navigational computer driving the plane was going to do a few seconds ahead of the aircraft automatically making the maneuver. Instead of seeing it prepare for a 180-degree turn, he saw it set up a 270-degree turn...which would have sent them directly into East Germany.

So, he turned off the computer and took manual control. The problem with that is in the SR-71, the navigational computer controls everything regarding navigation. Without it, they didn't even have so much as a compass. They were flying over an overcast sky, so they couldn't even see the ground. The pilot made what he reckoned to be a 180-degree turn so that they were at least heading west...as far as they could determine. But the imperative thing was to get to the English Channel, because that's where their refueling plane would be waiting. They couldn't land unless they refueled.

Every few minutes the pilot made a turn that he estimated kept him over western Europe, but they were essentially lost at MACH 3 and running out of fuel.

Where I was sitting in Omaha, NE, in the SACRECON Operations Center, we were in constant radio contact with the crew. Even though they were flying blind, lost, and running out of fuel at MACH 3, the pilot betrayed no excitement. He maintained that same laconic "astronaut-style" calm monotone: "SACRECON, we have a problem here."
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I, respectfully disagree.

The only time technology is "forgotten" is when we develop new and better technology.

Nobody is taught, that I know of, how to make a radio with vacuum tubes. It's a waist of time to do so... due to the simple fact that we have solid state circuit boards that are much better..... and we have moved on to digital transmitting and encrypting..... We haven't lost the technology to make, and utilize vacuum tubes... it's just obsolete.

Yep, it was inferior technology. Why would you use it.... But, at the same time... if we wanted to use that old technology... we could. It's not lost.

A lot, if not all successful technology is successful due to one simple fact.... It made someone money.

Other technology did not make it because it was "NOT" going to make someone money.

Tesla had a way to give everyone free electricity. They burned down his lab to stop it from being brought to the public.

Near my hometown there was a cement factory. It made concrete that was far superior to any other, even today. Cement from 1904 still tests better, after more than 100 years than cement poured today.
However, a bigger cement company bought the patent to the recipe and shredded it so that nobody could make such permanent concrete.
That was because the superior concrete would never need to be fixed, repaired or replaced.... No planned obsolescence.... no future work... no future money.

So, technology lives or dies based on who and how they can make or lose money.

NASA is making billions of dollars a year telling the public that they are trying to "redevelop" technology that they developed with slide rules, pencils, erasers, compasses, protractors and drafting tables.

If you ever come down with a cold or end up house bound for days.... watch "Everything is a rich man's trick"..... It's all about the Benjamin's baby.
The engineers today literally don't know how to use sliderules. They stopped using slide rules 50 years ago. I remember watching the engineering students switch from wearing sliderules on their belts to TI-50 calculators.
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They didn't have a choice. It was mandatory for them to be on the public stage.

Can you imagine how excited you would be to be the first three men to make that journey? Look at athletes winning the super bowl, getting a hole in one, the Stanley cup, winning on "The Price is Right".....LOL.

Then look at these three men in their interview after they came back. Looks to me like three men being told to lie about going to the moon.

These three men of great intelligence probably thought it was going to be real. What an insult to them to fake it and then make them lie.

Have that in mind when you watch this:

They are communicating in the manner they are trained to communicate. Have you had a conversation with someone in or former military? Even casual conversations it is difficult for them to shake off the manner they have been conditioned to speak.
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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They are communicating in the manner they are trained to communicate. Have you had a conversation with someone in or former military? Even casual conversations it is difficult for them to shake off the manner they have been conditioned to speak.
Sorry, I disagree... If I just walked on the moon.... I wouldn't come across as suffering from depression and government gag orders.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Sorry, I disagree... If I just walked on the moon.... I wouldn't come across as suffering from depression and government gag orders.
The press conference was weeks later.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Weeks of debriefing, medical examinations, etc.
That included a couple of weeks of isolation at Tripler Medical Center in Hawaii, because it wasn't certain whether they'd brought back any "moon germs." All of the missions spent some time at Tripler, but for the first mission the isolation was serious.
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May God be with you and bless you.
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Oct 2, 2020
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Sorry, I disagree... If I just walked on the moon.... I wouldn't come across as suffering from depression and government gag orders.
Perhaps they were hypnotized into believing they walked on the moon, and those psychological side effects are a result of their minds having been tampered with.
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Perhaps they were hypnotized into believing they walked on the moon, and those psychological side effects are a result of their minds having been tampered with.
Pretty sure that they were well aware that they never did walk on the moon, were told that they would, fully believed that they were going to and now have to sit in front of the world and pretend that they did.... knowing, as intelligent men, that they never did.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Pretty sure that they were well aware that they never did walk on the moon, were told that they would, fully believed that they were going to and now have to sit in front of the world and pretend that they did.... knowing, as intelligent men, that they never did.
The astronauts were not chimpanzees in a tin can.

They had kept up with the science and technology of their missions. They had traced the march of technology, all the tests of each step-by-step advancement, from Mercury through Gemini to Apollo. Many of them had been astronauts enmeshed in the science and technology from the beginning of Mercury. They personally followed the construction of their own spacecraft, as they had followed the construction of craft before them.

They would have been absolutely aware of the true capabilities of the technology. The only way they would have "fully believed they were going to" land on the moon is if the technology to do so truly existed and was real in the vehicle they were riding.
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May God be with you and bless you.
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Oct 2, 2020
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While I'm not totally into the it was fake camp. It's still rather strange to me that landing on the Moon is considered a monumental feat these days, with today's technology, whereas multiple back to back moonwalks took place in the early 70s?

This is a state of the art hard drive from the early 70's. It weighed about 550 lbs (249 kg).

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