please help me

  1. imlosingit

    (Rant) I'm beginning to lose faith...

    Disclaimer: I don't want anyone trying to manipulate me into straying into unbelief, away from Christianity, or whatever. Wednesday evening this week, I have a distress episode, about feeling ugly, and wanting stretch my face to make it better. Today, I had another distress episode about my...
  2. Christian Jacocks

    How Does Salvation WORK

    I grew up in church, and I understand that His death and the resurrection are essential to salvation, but I have been asked before and have even asked myself the same question. "HOW does it WORK, though." Why is it that the death fo Jesus on the cross and His subsequent resurrection is enough...
  3. N

    HELP Prayer Request Please (OCD and Intrusive Thoughts)

    I created this account just so I could post this honestly. I suffer from OCD and intrusive thoughts, and its severely impacting my religious beliefs. Some of my worries include accidentally praying Bad Things or praying to.... a certain bad guy in Christianity (don't wanna say the name because...
  4. I

    I need help

    Hi! I'm a new member here! :) I've suffered from OCD for more than 8 months now and it's gotten so bad. I worried and worried that I was a homosexual and worse things and now I've been OCDing about vowing something to the devil or wanting to do that, and also vowing a vow of celibacy and vowing...
  5. J

    Pray for my loved one please.

    Hello, I am new to this site. I am going through something extremely painful right now. I am here to share, and to get myself, my fiancé, on the prayer chain. Praying this chain will allow my prayers and your prayers to become more potent, and I can receive the answers I desire. My fiancé...
  6. A

    Please Help Me

    I am writing this at 11:24pm on a Monday. I am scared and I don't know what to do. I came here and decided to post this because I really would like the help of fellow Christians. I am 19 years old and live with my family. I grew up Catholic for a good amount of my life but I accepted Christ when...
  7. D

    help me

    hi now i have to get this out there but i think im let me explain. I talk to Jesus in my head and he talks back to me we usually have a good time just chatting but a couple days ago an evil entity showed up in my head as well, i believe it was satan. He tried tempting me to do bad...