
  1. Landon Caeli

    What my eyes have seen...

    I feel fortunate that my eyes have physically seen 3 diferent planets within our solar system within the last couple months. Something so far away in space, actually made it to my very own eyeballs.
  2. Radrook

    Jupiter Facts

    Jupiter is a planet that catches our attention just by its sheer size as well as by the constant turbulence of its atmosphere. It seems to mimic a solar system all of its own with its many moons serving as its planets. Some have even imagined it to be a failed star. But of course its mass...
  3. Guide To The Bible

    The Star Of Bethlehem Was Jupiter FYI

    The star of Bethlehem was Jupiter and it stopped over Bethlehem on the 25th Dec 2 BC. No, really it did. Please watch the documentary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oGUlWa2r-bk …